Cassandra Pierce - Diamonds in the Sand [The Aquans 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Cassandra Pierce - Diamonds in the Sand [The Aquans 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) by Cassandra Pierce Page A

Book: Cassandra Pierce - Diamonds in the Sand [The Aquans 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) by Cassandra Pierce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Pierce
forward. He seemed to like it even better when she added some teeth into the mix. “Mmm. Yes. Perfection.”
    It didn’t take her long to bring him to the edge, as he’d requested—or demanded, if one wanted to get technical about things. Cyra was gratified to feel his balls quiver against her chin. His fingers applied increased pressure to her scalp.
    “Stop now,” he said. She did. It amused her to leave him hanging. She should do that a lot more, when he least expected it. That would help keep him in line.
    “My turn now?” she asked. Her face felt warm with lust.
    Alan smiled and batted his cock playfully with one hand. It was so stiff it vibrated in front of him. “In a way. Perhaps just not in the way you expect. Move over.” He sat down on the pillows and drew her between his legs, facing away from him. He spent a few moments kneading her breasts and kissing her shoulders and neck. The whole time, she was aware of his hard-on brushing against the small of her back. The plump head was moist with her own saliva and Alan’s bubbling pre-cum. Cyra had to admit that she hadn’t been so aroused in ages.
    Suddenly, he stopped and pulled his hands and lips away. “Lie down across my thighs,” he said.
    Curious about what he had in mind, Cyra shifted position and stretched out with her hips balanced over his legs. The body pillows supported her upper body. Alan skated a palm over her spine, her shoulders, and finally her buttocks. He spent a long time there, smoothing over the outside curve and massaging the tender place where the backs of her thighs began. Cyra shuddered with need, excited as she imagined what he might be building up to.
    “Do you know why none of your other lovers has ever been enough for you?” he asked her in a casual voice she hadn’t expected.
    “What do you mean?” She turned her head and shoulders to look up at him, but his strong hands kept her in position.
    “I mean that you’ve wasted a lot of years trying to find a place for yourself and a lover—or lovers—who can satisfy you. And I wonder if you’ve really given any thought to why you’ve never been happy with your choices.”
    Cyra frowned. He’d used “lovers” in the plural, but how could he have known about her attempts to join Kral’s pod? She shrugged it off mentally. An incidental choice of words, perhaps. No doubt he could tell that she was far from inexperienced when it came to men, and she felt no shame about that.
    “I don’t see why I should answer that, frankly. My past and my future are my own concern.”
    He went on as if he hadn’t heard her. His hand stopped roving over her ass and settled in one spot, turning in a slow circle. “I probably didn’t mention it, and you didn’t care enough to ask, but this isn’t my first visit to this island. Over the years, I’ve spent time with many of the alluring women who come swimming past these shores. I enjoy their exoticism, though I admit I’ve never felt any strong desire to be part of a pod. I prefer to have just one woman to myself.”
    She gasped, and he laughed.
    “Yes, Cyra, I know about your Aquan culture. And I’ve made some interesting discoveries concerning the psychology of Aquan women. You, dear one, are a perfect example. You think you want to be in control of a man—of everything, really—and then can’t figure out why your life consists of wandering from one lonely place to another. What you really want is someone to guide you through life—someone who can set boundaries. Luckily for you, that’s something I’m rather good at.”
    Moving his legs apart, he used the fingers of his free hand to spread her pussy open. Then he pushed his fingers inside her. She gasped again as he stimulated her. The hand on her ass only increased the pressure on her clit.
    “I figure if I set some boundaries with you, you’re less likely to wander off on me,” Alan continued. “And I’ve decided that I’d like you to stay around for a

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