Carry Me Home (The Home Series: Book Three)

Carry Me Home (The Home Series: Book Three) by Megan Nugen Isbell Page A

Book: Carry Me Home (The Home Series: Book Three) by Megan Nugen Isbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Nugen Isbell
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    The room filled with silence again and I found myself wanting to know about his love life since he’d been gone.
    “And what about you?   Are you seeing anyone?”
    “No,” he answered.
    “Have you?” I continued to pry, even though I knew I shouldn’t.
    “I’ve seen a few people,” was all he offered and I just nodded, wishing I hadn’t brought it up.  While we’d been cordial to each other, I doubted either of us was really comfortable discussing our relationships. “Nothing serious though.”
    I just nodded and decided to steer the conversation away from the subject.
    “How long will you be in Carver then?”
    “I’m still not sure.  I’ll stay here until I figure out what to do.  I need to head back to North Carolina to tie up some loose ends and get…” he said, but was cut off by the ringing of my phone.
    “I’m sorry,” I grimace d, grabbing it and quickly looking down at it and I could feel my face curling up in surprise when I saw who it was. “It’s my Aunt Debbie.  That’s weird,” I said, looking over to Jesse. “She never calls me.”
    “You should get it.”
    I nodded and held it to my ear.
    “ Hello?”
    “ Riley, honey,” my aunt’s voice said and I don’t know why, but I instantly sensed something was wrong.  I don’t know if it was the tone of her voice or the fact that she sounded too sweet, but I knew.
    “Hey,” I said nervously. “Is everything okay?”
    “Yeah,” she said, but I sensed hesitation in her voice. “Everything’ll be fine.” She paused and I looked over to Jesse anxiously.  His eyebrows creased in concern and I just shrugged. “It’s your grandma.”
    “What’s wrong?” My voice was hurried now and Jesse looked even more worried.
    “They’re not sure, honey.  Why don’t you come on down to the hospital?”
    “They brought her here just to be safe.  Just come down.  We’ll fill you in when you get here.”
    “Okay.” I pulled the phone slowly from my ear, sliding it back into my purse. “I…I’ve…I’ve gotta go.  It’s my grandma.  She’s at the hospital.”
    I stood up, looking around to make sure I had everything and started walking towards the front door.
    “What’s the matter with her?” Jesse asked, following me.
    “My aunt didn’t say.  I guess they don’t know.  I just need to get down there.”
    “You’re in no state to drive.” I felt his hand rest on my arm as I was getting ready to leave.
    “I’ll be okay.  I don’t even know what’s wrong yet and I’m not gonna worry until I know there’s something to worry about.” I was trying to really think that way, but I could feel tears threatening at the back of my eyes.
    “I’m sure everything’s gonna be fine, but let me drive you.”
    “You don’t have to…” I began to protest, but then he reached for my keys and I knew he wouldn’t relent, so I just sighed and forced a smile. “Thanks, Jesse.”
    He didn’t say anything, but he nodded and I followed him outside .

Chapter Eleven
    My aunt met us in the waiting room.  She looked tired and I knew she was trying to hide her concern when she saw me.  I also noticed the way she looked at Jesse, obviously surprised to see him standing next to me, but she didn’t say anything. 
    “Where’s grandma?” I asked, not bothering with a greeting.
    “She’s resting.”
    “What happened?”
    “They think she had a heart attack.”
    “A heart attack?” I whispered as my eyes grew warm. “Will she be okay?”
    “She should be alright in time.  They’re just watching her now.”
    “Can I see her?” My voice was wavering, but she nodded and I followed her, Jesse a few steps behind.
    It didn’t ta ke long to get to my grandma’s room.  I followed Aunt Debbie inside and stopped when I looked over at the bed where my grandmother laid.  Her eyes were closed, obviously sleeping, and the heart monitor beeped rhythmically, like a pendulum keeping time.  Her

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