Carnevale and Subterfuge
flip. Heat flooded her body. He moved forward, putting his hands on the railings of her footboard.
    “You must be feeling better. You’re eating chocolate.” His grin widened as his eyes narrowed. Fire burned in the blue depths. “I should have my assistant send you flowers.”
    Ana’s nerve endings flared to life as memories of her time with Dodger bombarded her. Heat extended from her stomach outward. Her body tightened as her breasts became full. She sucked in a breath and squirmed as her pussy and inner thighs began to tingle. She struggled to shove the arousal away.
    Ana couldn’t understand her reaction to this man. It was almost as if Dodger were standing before her. Only, he wasn’t. Ana had never seen Dodger’s face, but the man in front of her had thick, wavy blond hair and dark sapphire blue eyes. Her body told her Dodger was in front of her, but his hair was all wrong. And Dodger—his eyes were blue, not green. An ache started in her stomach and she looked away. Ana wanted Dodger here with her now.
    “Ambassador,” Captain Drogan snapped. “We should continue with your tour.”
    The ambassador scowled. “Of course.”
    Ana looked up and sucked in a breath. It was as if a wall had slammed shut between them. Heat burned in his eyes as he gave her a curt nod of his head before moving off. Confusion flitted through her mind. The air became thin. It was hard to breathe. For a moment, she struggled with her emotions. She knew she shouldn’t be feeling this.The two of them had no connection. This wasn’t normal. Why was she feeling like this?
    Dr. Titheniel’s voice cut into her thoughts. “Wow, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he wants you. Lucky! I’ll send these to your quarters and get your discharge papers ready. You’ll have much more privacy there than here, where everyone will gossip like Earth Betties.”
    Ana nodded. She needed to gather her thoughts and understand what she was feeling. A glance toward the other end of the med deck made her sigh as the arousal continued to sizzle through her veins. She turned away again and struggled to get out of bed. She was back at work now. She had to forget Dodger, and forget Il Doge. There was no use in pining for a man she couldn’t have. Besides, he was a criminal. There was no hope there. Her heart ached at that thought and tears stung her eyes. She shook her head and slid out of bed. She pulled on her standard issue boots and stood up.
    “Ms. Lavender?” a soft male voice asked. She glanced back to see the man that Dodger had been talking to at the café back on Il Doge. Ana blinked. “My name is Roberto. I’m the ambassador’s assistant. I also assume you know my brother?”
    Ana looked at him confused. “Brother?”
    “You call him Dodger.” The man gave her a gentle smile. Ana stared at him in shock. She licked her lips and tried to form the words. “I see I’ve surprised you. Yes, he’s told me about you. He spoke highly about you. He wished for me to give this to you.” Roberto handed her Dodger’s spiked collar.
    With a shaking hand, Ana took the offered gift. “Th-th-thank you. How…how is he?” She clutched the collar to her chest as her heart rate sped up.
    Roberto smiled. “He’s off creating mischief. I would like to say thank you. You made him happy.”
    Tears stung Ana’s eyes again.
    “Did you take the mask he left for you?” the man went on. “Die—Dodger wanted you to have it.” He continued to smile but there was caution in his eyes.
    Ana nodded. “Yes. When you see him again, thank him for me.”
    “Of course. I hope you feel better. I would have introduced myself earlier but I’m an aide to the ambassador.”
    “Of course. Busy. If you’ll excuse me?” Ana bowed her head and left the med deck as fast as possible.
    * * *
    Diego watched Roberto return to him. His heart ached to go after Ana but he stayed where he was.
    “Happy now? I gave it to her.” Roberto’s lips quirked into

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