Captured Moon-6

Captured Moon-6 by Loribelle Hunt

Book: Captured Moon-6 by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
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with them and work from the inside to modernize the pack than abandon it.
    “What do y’all want to do?”
    Rule shook his head. “We’re asking you.”
    She shrugged. “I already answered. It’s an interesting place. I’d like to spend some time seeing how things work here, but…I’d miss the beach.
    I’d miss the lowlands. The marshes.” She laughed. “I really hate snow.”
    They were both silent for a few minutes, and she wondered if she’d
    given the wrong answer. If they wanted to stay here. Finally, Lawe grinned and squeezed her hand.
    “Good,” he said. An exhalation that sounded like relief to her.
    “Good. We’ll stay a few days, but Monday, you start house‐hunting.”
    “What? Why me? Y’all have a house.”
    “We only stayed in the apartment because you lived in town, Abby.
    And the farm is too far out to have to drive in every day. Marilyn’s lease is up in a couple of months, and she’ll take over the apartment. So you don’t have a lot of time.”
    “So you’re gonna let me pick your new house?” She knew she 71

    Captured Moon by Loribelle Hunt

    sounded skeptical, but she was still new at this.
    Rule shrugged. “Your new house. We could pick, but we’d miss something you want, I’m sure. Our only requirement is being near woods and a big kitchen. We werewolves do tend to congregate in kitchens.” He smiled.
    “There are other requirements,” Lawe said. “We need an office.
    Abby needs an office. Lots of bedrooms.”
    She cocked an eyebrow. “Sounds expensive.”
    “We can afford it,” Rule said.
    Lawe scowled. “There are limits.” He sighed when his brother grinned. “We’ll worry about it later.”
    It was such a mundane conversation, the kind of thing any
    husband and wife would have. A rush of emotion, love, filled her, formed a lump in her throat. She concentrated on swallowing, on sounding normal when she spoke.
    “So now what?”
    “Lunch,” Rule replied, and she answered with what she knew was
    a sultry smile. Standing, she watched as their eyes brightened, heated. She reached for the bottom edge of her T‐shirt and pulled it off, slowly letting it drop the floor next to her chair.
    “I think I’d like dessert first.”
    She played with the snap on her jeans while she waited for one of
    them to respond. Lawe stood, growled.
    “Bedroom, woman. Now. Before I fuck you on the kitchen table.”
    Rule joined Lawe. “Distinct possibility. Move, Abby.”
    Laughing, she left the room. “God, I love y’all,” she whispered, knowing they’d easily pick up the soft words.
    Lawe caught her in the living room and lifted her over his shoulder
    in a fireman’s hold. “We know,” he said.
    He carried her to the bedroom where they damned near made her
    forget her own name, but never how much she was loved.

    The End

    Captured Moon by Loribelle Hunt

    Author Bio

    As a native of the South, is it any wonder Loribelle has a love of storytelling? She started writing seriously as a teenager and finished her first manuscript, a mystery, when she was nineteen. After a few bumps along the way and stints as an Army MP, a waitress, a book store manager, a student, and a wedding photographer, she turned to writing full time. Now she divides her time between a husband, three kids, writing, and a part‐time photography gig. She is also a member of Romance Writers of America and Passionate Ink.


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