Captured Miracle
in my chest, fighting to be released from its cage. I could feel the persistent beating against the flesh of my left breast and I pulled in a deep breath, urging myself to calm.
    His deep voice broke the silence, “Turn around. Lie on your back.”
    And just as I thought I’d convinced my heart to calm, it roared back to life. “Why?”
    “Nova, I expect you to obey my commands.”
    “I’ve never been the obedient type.” I replied in a small voice. Crunching the sheets in my fist, I brought them up to my mouth.
    “You’re lying. You’ve always been the submissive type.”
    My retort was snarky. “You want a submissive wife?”
    “I want you to submit to me.” He admitted. “Always.”
    “Well, you’re in for a life of disappointment.” I whispered. “You should find yourself a different wife.”
    “You’re the only wife I want, Nova.” He shifted closer to me and I tensed. “You’ll come to accept that one day.”
    “I won’t.”
    “Regardless,” he dismissed my determination. “Lie on your back.”
    “I’m comfortable.”
    “I will force you, Nova. If I have to do that, you will not like it.”
    The threat in his voice urged me to comply and I wished I would have been stronger. If I wasn’t so afraid of - everything - I might have been able to fight him.
    Stiffly, I rolled onto my back. I continued to hold the sheets clutched in my fists, my hands pressed tight into my chest. I felt safer from him somehow.
    “Open your eyes.” He commanded and I forgot I’d even kept them closed.
    Slowly, I opened my eyes. Staring straight up at the roof, I prayed for him to leave me alone. And like always, my prayers seemed to go unanswered. I asked timidly, “What do you want?”
    “You.” Calix replied instantly and I shivered.
    “I’ll never give myself to you.” I vowed.
    “You already have, Nova.” His statement was hushed and I felt him shift closer again. I could see him from my peripherals. He was watching me. “Have you forgotten you’ve agreed to marry me - to be mine - in order to save your family?”
    “No.” I felt tears clog my throat. “I haven’t forgotten.”
    God, I have to escape this man.
    “Good.” Calix smiled softly. “I’m going to kiss you, Nova. You’re going to kiss me back, do you understand.”
    “No.” I whispered shakily. “Please,”
    “Enough. I don’t want to hear your protests. They have no effect on me.”
    “You will kiss me tonight - and every night after. Throughout the days we spend together I will touch you, I will kiss you, and I will hold you.” He lowered his face an inch and I could smell his heady scent. It was intoxicating. “I will seduce you, Nova. And then when you can’t take another kiss, another touch, you will beg me to fuck you. And only then will I take you.”
    “I will never beg for you.”
    “Fight it all you want, but know the end result is inevitable. I will have you.” He whispered. “Completely.”
    “You’re a bastard.” I croaked and he caught my chin in his hand.
    His grip turned from firm to caressing in an instant. The gentle stroke of his fingers along the line of my jaw induced a spasm of goosebumps to litter my flesh. As though knowing his effect, Calix’s lips curled into a confident grin.
    “Move your hands to your side,” he commanded. Hating myself, I complied.
    “Just get it over with.” I spat, taking the anger I felt toward myself and subjecting it to him.
    He chuckled. “Oh no, love. This will be long and slow.”
    I opened my mouth to retort, but he lowered his head. Calix crushed his lips to mine, pressing his body into the side of mine. I felt heat - everywhere. My blood pulsed, making places in my body that had always been dormant throb. Holding my face in his hand, Calix worked my mouth with his own. His lips moved slowly, but determinedly against my still lips. Despite my lack of enthusiasm, Calix continued to kiss me. His tongue poked out to trace the line of my lips

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