Captured Miracle
why you would protect me.”
    “You are mine, Nova.” Calix stated bluntly. “You are mine to protect.”
    A thought sprouted in my mind and I couldn’t keep myself from whispering. “Am I yours to hurt, Calix?”
    His eyes darkened a fraction and my heart raced. He opened his mouth to speak and everything inside of me tensed. “Get beneath the covers, Nova.”
    “Answer my question.” I demanded, folding my knees into my chest.
    “You are mine to command.” He growled in warning. “Now, get beneath the covers.”
    I didn’t move. I was frozen. I remained sitting on the side of the bed closest to the door, hugging my knees like a frightened child. I felt like a frightened child - so helpless. I just couldn’t move.
    Calix popped the button open on his jeans before raising a brow at me. “Are you going to get under the blankets, or am I going to have to put you there?”
    “No,” I whispered. “Don’t touch me.”
    “Then do as I ask.” He barked in low tones. His eyes were sharp as they watched me unfold my legs from my chest.
    I scooted back up onto the pillows at the head of the bed before inching my toes between the sheets. They were crisp and clean. They felt amazing on my tired flesh, but I was still too nervous to really appreciate their cool weight.
    “Now, come to your side of the bed.” Calix pointed down to the side of the bed he’d first thrown me onto and slowly, I inched closer to him. I wished he’d move to his own side. I didn’t want him standing so close to me.
    “I don’t want to share the bed with you.” I murmured, watching the muscle in his cheek twitch at my words.
    “You have no choice.” His hands went back to his jeans. I heard the zipper slide down and I slammed my eyes shut. I wasn’t so much of a prude that I hadn’t seen a penis before. I’d caught glimpses on late night television, but I hadn’t gone so far as to see one in person.
    Call me old fashioned, but I’d always wanted to be married before I gave into sex. It was why I barely bothered dating throughout high school or the two years I’d taken between high school and the start of college.
    And then I had the snarky thought, I guess you’ve got what you always wanted - your husband will be your first.
    The thought made me flinch inside. Calix would be my first - if I didn’t get away from him. I had to get away from him. I had to escape.
    I would find a way.
    I heard a faint click and I sensed that Calix had turned on the lamp sitting on my nightstand. “You can open your eyes, Nova. I’m not naked.”
    “I’m tired.” I replied. I heard him walk around the bed to his own side before I rolled onto my side and faced the patio - away from him. Curling my knees into my chest, I hugged them tight. I’d never been one to sleep in the fetal position, but I just felt so vulnerable. This position gave me a sense of comfort, and even though I knew it was false, it was something.
    “Turn off your light.” Calix commanded. I felt the bed shift with his weight and thanked the heavens it was so large. There was no reason Calix should have to touch me throughout the night in this bed. We both had plenty of room to remain on our own sides.
    Reaching out from beneath the covers, I flicked off the lamp. Darkness swelled in the room before my eyes adjusted and the moonlight spilled a soft white glow over the floor. As I lay on my side, staring out through the open patio doors I felt the same kind of sadness fill my heart as I had earlier. I ached for home. I ached for my family.
    Apart from a two week exchange I’d done through the school for my French class, I hadn’t ever been away from my family. I was a homebody and I liked it that way. I needed home.
    Calix shifted in the bed and I wondered what he was doing. He hadn’t yet lain down and with every passing moment, I was growing increasingly uncomfortable within his presence. Did he plan to sit and watch me sleep all night?
    The thought made my heart slam

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