Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International)

Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International) by Shelli Quinn

Book: Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International) by Shelli Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelli Quinn
smiling as she took comfort in the fact that he hadn’t walked away from her intentionally.
    “ About earlier when we were dancing I hope I didn’t make you more upset with me than you already were?” Alex said as he glanced over quickly before turning his gaze back to the road.
    “ No it was fine, dancing with you wasn’t that bad, and it was actually kind of fun. I don’t get to have much of that these days.” She said with a smile.
    “ We can’t have that, life is too short not to have fun. Tell you what let’s call a truce and try to have as much fun as we can when we aren’t working.” Alex said as he held his breath waiting for her response. Just as it had when they danced earlier his heart was racing wildly and he just couldn’t shake the feeling that they’d met somewhere before.
    “ Okay truce, now what’s your idea of having fun?” Lex asked in a seductive voice.
    “ Don’t worry I promise to think of something that we can both enjoy.” He said smoothly.
    “ I just bet you will.” She whispered softly as she gazed out the window.
    “ What was that I couldn’t hear you?” He asked.
    “ Uh, I said that I know you will so I’ll just leave it to.” She said glancing at him briefly.
    Alex smiled stealing a quick glance in her direction before returning his gaze to the road
    in front of him.
    It was several hours later when Thai showed Ru into his house where she’d be staying
    while she was in town. He really didn’t mind having her as a house guest he would just have to be on his best behavior as a gentleman. This may pose to be quite a challenge since he was so attracted to her.
    The minute Thai had set eyes on her his body had reacted to the sight of her sexy petite frame. Ru had him doubting his ability to control his aroused state so that he wouldn’t embarrass himself.
    “We thought that you’d be safer here so that I can protect you.” He said as he took a seat on the large black leather couch and motioned for her have a seat as well, but instead of sitting she walked around the living room taking in her surroundings before turning to smile at him.
    “I like your house, so what you’re saying is that you drew the short straw and ended up with me as your house guest. I’d like to say that I’m sorry to intrude but to be honest I’m happy that you’re the one who got stuck with me.” Ru said as she moved slowly towards the couch to stand in front of him.
    “I don’t mind having you here it’s nice to have company for a change.” He said as he smiled up at her.
    “Really, well do mind having me here?” Ru asked as she slid onto his lap straddling his legs between hers.
    “I definitely don’t mind having you here on my lap and in my arms.” He whispered.
    “Just so that you know I don’t usually throw myself at men that I’ve just met. However I’ve never been this attracted to anyone before, just looking at you is doing crazy things to my body.” She said placing her arms around his neck.
    “Is that so, well we’re going to have to do something about that now won’t we?” He said smoothly as he began kissing her on the neck.
    Ru laughed as she heard words that she said to him earlier being used by him now. “Oh we certainly will.” She whispered with a moan enjoying the feel of his lips against her heated skin.
    She moved one of her hands to the back of his bald head holding him close as he slowly trailed warm kisses up the side of her neck and along her jaw line until he reached her lips. He covered her mouth with his as he settled both hands at her hips and squeezed gently.
    When she gasped he slipped his tongue past her parted lips and deepened the kiss. A soft moan escaped her throat as she used one hand to grab hold of his shoulder while keeping the other planted firmly at the back of his head.
    The sensations that his kiss was causing made it

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