Captured: A Bad Boy Romance

Captured: A Bad Boy Romance by Carmen Faye

Book: Captured: A Bad Boy Romance by Carmen Faye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carmen Faye
was trembling. Her legs shook as she felt his hand tighten.
    "What do you want, Agent Fuller?" He asked as his erection pushed against her. "Tell me, word for word, what you want. Leave nothing out."
    She froze, even stopped trembling, when he told her that.
    "Tie me up," she asked. "Please."
    "Bound?" she nodded and answered by the rules. "Gagged?" She nodded again. "Blindfolded?" Another nod. "What else?"
    "Fuck me," she begged. "Please fuck me, Asher."
    He grabbed his bag and began to pull out bondage supplies. One by one, he made sure that she couldn't move her arms and pushed her legs open on his bed.
    He took a deep breath. "I do love the sight of you there.”
    Then, the blindfold was over her eyes and the gag in her mouth.
    "Sexy," he commented again.
    Melissa felt vulnerable and couldn't wait to see how that played out for her. She needed him. She wanted him. The inability to see or feel what was coming drove her crazy. She lied there, silent, and waited on him to slide himself inside her. But that isn't what he did.
    Asher could barely contain his desire to thrust himself into her and pound away until she couldn't stand, but he held himself in check and slid his hand up her thigh until it rested between her legs. His fingers were splayed around her cunt and pressed against the soft warm flesh as a bead of nectar slowly made its way forward, touched his finger, and spread quickly into the space where their flesh met.
    His head slipped between her legs and he could smell her arousal, wet and warm. "Moan again."
    She squirmed and shuddered as he got closer. His tongue darted across her thighs and she gasped. Melissa had men’s tongues between her legs before, but never like this. When she felt his breath hovering over her soaking cunt, she gasped again. Suddenly his mouth was pressed against her, his tongue lapping away every drop.
    "MMM!” She cried into her gag. "MMMMMMM!"
    Asher loved watching her body go crazy. He toyed with giving her the release, pushed her inner lips away with his tongue as he explored the crevice, drank in her pleasure as the she shuddered. But just as she was reaching the edge, he pulled back.
    “Mmm.” She whimpered and pushed her ass back towards him, desperate for more.
    "Oh no, not yet." He whispered as he pulled the gag from her mouth. "I want to hear you scream and beg.”
    Melissa obliged, yearning for what she needed the most. "Fuck me. Please, please, please. Fuck me."
    That was all he needed. Asher slid upwards and began to kiss her as his cock slipped inside.
    "Hold on darling," He grinned. "It's a bumpy ride."
    She balled her fists and bit her lower lips as he began to thrust inside of her. Harder and faster with each pump, Asher brought her to the brink of orgasm multiple times then pulled back and told her she had to stop.
    She was going crazy. Finally he thrust into her and pulled completely out. Her body started to shake. He leaned over and whispered, "Come." She heard him but wasn't sure how. "I said come." He ordered and her body responded. The sweet flow of release was overpowering and she would’ve collapsed were it not for the ropes holding her up. At the same time she felt him throb, stiffen and release before he emptied himself inside of her.
    "Well, Melissa," he spoke, almost breathless. "You know how to take punishment well."
    As Asher wrapped his arms around her, Melissa smiled. She was beginning to think she loved this man and she wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

    He was gone when she woke up. Melissa felt different. In a good way. Almost euphoric. She knew it'd been a long time since she'd had sex, but it wasn't that. She could have had sex with anyone and it wouldn't have affected her this way.
    It was him. Something about Asher Hudson had gotten under her skin. The way he overpowered her. Mentally, emotionally and physically. The way he

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