Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1

Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1 by Ava Hayworth Page B

Book: Captivate her: Laws of Seduction Book 1 by Ava Hayworth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Hayworth
    I see you have recovered from your walk of shame. Can’t wait to fuck you again this weekend.
    Looking around I see that no one is paying any attention to me. I reply back.
    You are so romantic. 
    As a precaution I give James a codename in my contacts. I also set up a password for my phone.
    By Wednesday, I am longing for the weekend. Besides catching glimpses of him coming to or from meetings, I have not seen or heard from James since Monday afternoon. I remind myself that this is exactly how I want things as I glumly head for the kitchenette for an afternoon pick-me-up cup of coffee. Becca, who had worked with the unlucky Sonia, is there with another junior associate who I do not know. They are absorbed in their conversation and don’t acknowledge me as I come in. Looking over the selection of coffee capsules, my ears prick up when I hear Elizabeth’s name.
    “I heard they were almost engaged when her boyfriend dumped her.”
    “Do you think it’s true that she had an affair with G-man?”
    “One of the admins on my floor says that they were making out at the last firm party.”
    “Do you think they’re together?” Looking up, Becca sees me, and I choose a random flavor of coffee. I pop it into the machine to disguise the fact that I have been eavesdropping. “Hey Elaine,” says Becca, giving me a smile that seems a bit insincere. “You work with Elizabeth, right?”
    Opening the refrigerator for milk, I answer as noncommittedly as possible. “Yes.”
    “So does she have a boyfriend? Is she seeing anyone?” 
    Despite my earlier interest in their conversation, I do not want to be a part of any office gossip, so I deflect. “I don’t know anything about her personal life… Are you seeing anyone?”
    “Who has time for a steady relationship with a workload like ours?” she scoffs as she flips her long dark hair over her shoulder. She smiles mischievously, “Although I am not against squeezing in the occasional hookup.”
    My coffee finished, I make an awkward but quick escape as Becca ranks the lawyers in the firm she would like to hook up with. G-man, whoever he is, is at the top of the list, but I also hear Alex’s name a little further down. I wonder if I should give him a heads up, but then think better of it, not wanting to rehash the entire incident. This conversation has definitely reinforced my decision to keep my relationship with James private. There is no way that I want to become grist for the gossip mill at Houghton Mills.
    Friday finally arrives and the day creeps along at a slow pace. During the summer everyone in the firm works extra-long hours Monday through Thursday so that they can take off early on Fridays, so by noon the office starts to clear out. Elizabeth comes out of her office around two and walks over to my desk. She looks well put together as always in black dress pants and a houndstooth fitted blazer. The notched neckline and zippered pockets give it a modern, sexy look. “Well, Elaine, another week under your belt.” She eyes my packed duffel bag that I had shoved under my desk. “Are you going away this weekend?”
    I give her a bright smile. “Yes, to the Hamptons.”
    “That sounds nice. Are you going on the Jitney?” The Hamptons Jitney is a bus service that runs from Midtown Manhattan to the Hamptons. It is popular with twenty-somethings because of its low price and convenience.
    “No, I am driving out with a friend. How about you… Any big plans for the weekend?”
    “Nothing too exciting. I’ll be staying in the city. Maybe meeting up with some friends.” I smile expectantly at Elizabeth and she adds, “You should get out of here soon. You don’t want to get caught in traffic.”
    “I’ll try my best.”
    “Well, have a good weekend.”
    “Thanks Elizabeth. You too.” As I watch Elizabeth walk back to her office, I can’t help wondering who she had made out with at the last office party.
    I work at my desk for another twenty

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