Captain Of Her Heart
promenade.  With a curtsey, she nodded an acknowledgement to an imaginary visitor.  “Good afternoon, I am Mrs. Collingwood.  Do you know my husband?  He is the bravest, handsomest sailor in the Royal Navy.”
    Whirling in circles, as a giddy young girl with a new dress, she laughed aloud—and then came to an abrupt halt at the footboard.  A vivid crimson stain marred the pristine white sheet.  Had Caroline not warned that most women bled upon the loss of their maidenhead?  Alex had always presumed that a lie to encourage chastity, as the prospect had certainly frightened her.
    Grasping a fistful of linen, she hauled the covers from the mattress.  Despite her budding friendship with Molly, Alex could not share the particulars of something so personal, with the charwoman.  Yet she would kill to confide in one of her lifelong friends.  And now she understood Cara’s reticence after the elder Douglas had seduced Lance.
    Had Alex thought she loved Jason?  In the wake of their torrid night of passion, what she now harbored for her captain far exceeded the depth of affection she had coveted upon her arrival at the humble abode, so she would speak of it not as a whimsical crush or fancy.
    In mere minutes, she added a log to the fire in the bedchamber and then lit another blaze in the great room.  After boiling sufficient water for the tub and the large washbasin, she soaked the soiled sheets as she bathed.
    Later, dressed in one of Molly’s modest frocks, and with her hair braided, Alex scrubbed the stain.  She had just rinsed away the evidence of her affair when the cook-maid strolled through the door.
    “Alex, what are you doing?”  The charwoman untied and removed her bonnet and then shrugged from her coat.  “This is my light day, and you have already completed one of my primary tasks.”
    “I thought if I made an early start on our chores, you might consent to join me for brunch.”  Alex stood upright, stretched her back, and wiped her brow.  “And will you help me wring the linens?”
    “Of course.”  Molly halted opposite Alex and smiled.  “And I should love to have brunch with you, but you need not have gone to so much trouble, as the housework remains my duty.”
    “Nonsense.  You are never a bother.”  Alex twisted one way, and Molly rotated the fabric in the other direction.  “I quite enjoy the work, as it keeps me honest.”
    A sennight later, as Alex looked back on the days subsequent to the consummation of her relationship with Jason, her delightful memories coupled with dreams for their future.  And although her knight had yet to broach the question foremost on her mind, she anticipated a proposal with baited breath.
    On Wednesday, when he returned from the docks, she had hoped for a betrothal agreement.  Instead, Jason had stormed through the door like a bull in a china shop, charged her without reservation, tossed her over his shoulder, and carried her to their bed.
    Hours had passed before they dined.
    Thursday featured a devilish repeat performance.  As she had nursed a pot of stew, she innocently inquired whether or not her captain had an appetite, to wit he replied, “I am starved.”  With that, he had scooped her into his arms and conveyed her to their bed.
    Hours had passed before they dined.
    Friday, ah, Friday, now that was a truly memorable evening.  After donning his silk robe, she had met her lusty knight at the door and made a bold declaration.  “Tonight, I wish to ride you, and you must teach me.”  And with his prurient pedagogy, her rogue sailor more than fulfilled her challenge.
    Hours had passed before they dined.
    Saturday and Sunday, they scarcely moved beyond their chamber, except when Alex prepared their meals.  But what she had not expected was Jason’s sneak attack after lunch.  Just as she had dried and put away the dishes, he spread her across the little table and made love to her until she screamed.  She would never look at the

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