Candidate Four

Candidate Four by Crystal Cierlak Page A

Book: Candidate Four by Crystal Cierlak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Cierlak
Tags: Romance
the opportunity to see it up close. At a hearty eight inches he was nearly perfect. The head was pinker than the shaft and for all the work it had done without coming to completion she half expected it to be blue.
    She wrapped her right hand around the base and tipped it at a slight angle to her lips, parting them open and over his soft, circumcised head.
    “Natalie, you don’t-“ he breathed, then silenced when she put him in her mouth and came back up, her lips pulling gently at the ridge between his shaft and head. He inhaled sharply and let it out with a loud groan as his head fell backwards towards the couch. Her left hand smoothed up his hip to his stomach and around the smattering of hair that formed there as her right hand pumped and rotated up and down his shaft, her mouth kissing at the head.
    She had him halfway in her mouth when she looked up at him, turned on by the heaviness in his eyes, the absolute lust and desire that burned within them.
    “Natalie,” he breathed. He leaned forward and put his hands beneath her arms, pulling her up and off him as he stood. She opened her mouth to protest but he silenced her with a kiss, tasting her with an urgent need. His fingers made quick work with unknotting the towel tied at her chest and when it was free he tossed it carelessly to the ground. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his torso in quick response, tightening already-tired muscles around him like a vice. He kissed her hungrily, ravaging her mouth with his.
    He turned and carried her into the bedroom, falling into the unmade bed and on top of her with a crash. He broke their contact and looked down at her, concern troubling his face.
    “Shit, are you okay?”
    Natalie took his momentary distraction and concern for safety as an opportunity and upended him, straddling his legs and pulling at the denim pants and boxer briefs that were only partially covering him. When they were down around his knees she climbed closer and straddled his waist, bending to kiss him as he kicked off the remaining garments from his legs. His hands cupped her breasts, fondled at her pert nipples and smoothed down and around to her backside. She took possession of his shaft again and held him still as she guided him inside her, groaning at the full length of him again, satisfaction tearing through the spent muscles around him.
    The sound of him moaning was enough encouragement to keep going, and she clenched and unclenched around him, pulling up and coming back down his length. With his arms wrapped around her he inclined, bringing them both to a sitting position nose-to-nose, his erection full and pumping inside of her.
    The closeness of their bodies, her legs and arms wrapped around him as he feasted on her lips, eyes open and tearing into her… she could barely breathe she was so overwhelmed. She returned every kiss while rocking her pelvis up and over the length of him. She moaned into his open mouth before his tongue claimed hers again, her hands gripping tightly to the sides of his face. She could barely breathe. Every thrust he met in kind until his voice joined hers, every sigh, every moan in sync with her. His mouth sucked at her earlobe, wetting the delicate nub of flesh as his breaths swept past her ear like wind.
    She was close. Too close. She both feared and anticipated the impending release and surrender of her body to him. She moved faster, clenched tighter around him, her body begging him to release with her, to finally come inside her as he had made her come so many times earlier.
    He grabbed her face and forced her eyes open to look at him. “James,” he said, his voice a hoarse whisper. “My name is James.”
    She kissed him, open mouth to open mouth, tongue to tongue, before kissing at his cheek, over the sideburn stubble, and finally to his ear, biting at the skin beneath it.
    “ Oh, James ,” she breathed, delirious at the simple triumph of having finally learned his name. “Come with me,

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