Cancer: Book 5 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)

Cancer: Book 5 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series) by Rachel Medhurst Page A

Book: Cancer: Book 5 in a Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series) by Rachel Medhurst Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Medhurst
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villa and climbed in the driver’s seat.
    Virgo came rushing out. ‘I want to come shopping,’ she said, getting in next to me.
    Nodding, I didn’t say anything as I watched out of the window. My stomach was tight. My skin was hot and my fingers hurt as I clenched them together.
    ‘You deserve better than him, you know that, don’t you?’ Virgo said.
    I glanced at her, shocked by what she’d said. We hadn’t had the chance to speak much. She was a nurse so she often did shifts at odd hours.
    ‘I think you might be right.’ I took my phone out of my bag when it beeped.
    Derek looked at me in the rear-view mirror as I glanced up. When our eyes met, I knew that he was thinking the same thing. He had seen how tense we had been together the last few days.
    My finger hovered over the screen. I could see that the message was from Matt but I didn’t want to read it. I couldn’t resist for long. Opening it, I read what he had to say. It was just an apology, nothing of any importance. It didn’t feel genuine.
    ‘Have you ever thought that you might have got wrapped up in him because he was simply there?’ Virgo watched out of the window but her words were aimed at me.
    Her frame was small like mine but I had more curves than she did.
    ‘I don’t know any more. Can we not talk about it?’
    I deleted the text and put my phone away. There was no point ignoring the red flags.
    ‘Sure, we can stop talking about it if you like. I’m just wondering who you have been able to talk to,’ Virgo said.
    I gazed at the rolling hills instead of looking at her. I wasn’t about to confide in someone that didn’t have a clue what I was going through. Not only that, Derek also listened intently.
    ‘Do you want to know what I think?’ Derek said from the front.
    I didn’t. How dare he even think that he had a right to ask? No one else was involved in my situation. It was all down to me.
    ‘Go on, then,’ I found myself saying.
    I bit my lip as he parked the car on a street. My heart sped up as I spotted the clothes shop. At least one good thing would come of the day.
    Derek turned in his seat as soon as the car was still. ‘When Pisces and Antony were mucking around, I watched them closely. I figured that I would have to get involved at some point so I paid attention. The one thing I noticed more than anything, was that the more Pisces did work on herself, the more Antony wanted to be around her.’
    When my sister had first met Derek, she told me that he acted younger than his age. The description she had given me didn’t match that of the same man that now sat in the driver’s seat.
    Virgo glanced between us as we stared at each other. I didn’t know whether or not to believe him. Why should I have to work on myself when Matt was the one being awkward?
    I licked my lips and looked away. ‘There’s nothing I need to do.’
    Virgo sighed as she climbed out of the car. She had given up on me already. In her world, it would be easy for her. She wouldn’t put up with any rubbish. It was clear-cut. Down to earth, just like her sign.
    ‘I know that you think I’m ridiculous. That’s fair enough. I promise not to say anything else.’ Derek climbed out of the car, joining Virgo on the pavement.
    Getting out of the car, I paused as I slammed the door shut. Derek and Virgo watched me with such intensity, I couldn’t handle it. For the first time since landing in Greece, I decided to disappear.
    Closing my eyes, I let my muscles soften and my body flow into liquid. I could still see but I was no longer solid matter. I was water. My new form fell to the hard concrete in a splash. All I had to do was think about where to move and my puddle form would move that way.
    Slinking under the car, I tried to lose my tail as Virgo and Derek searched for me. Derek’s face had been a picture as I transformed. His mouth had hung open as he watched me fall to the ground. My sister had growled when she realised what I was doing. She had

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