Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) by Paige Cameron

Book: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) by Paige Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Cameron
good enough for meeting Nanna. Ellen had already begun to call her that in her mind. She wanted Nanna to like her. Yet she’d never met the woman. But she was important to Sahale. Ellen didn’t want to admit it, but he was becoming important to her, as was Jack.
    “Breakfast is ready.” Sahale surprised her, standing in her doorway. “Good, you’re dressed. Come along. We have a long ride ahead of us.”
    She’d expected cereal and toast. He’d made a cheese and vegetable omelet. “I didn’t have the ingredients to make that.”
    “Yeah, I figured as much. I went out to the truck and brought in my cooler. I brought the things I needed with me.”
    “Oh.” An open, small Styrofoam box sat next to the refrigerator. The omelet smelled good. There was also orange juice and wheat toast with more coffee.
    “I may agree to marry you just to have you cook me breakfast every morning.”
    “That’s a good agreement, if you feed me first.” That wicked twinkle was back in his stunning eyes. It took her back for a moment each time she saw him. They glowed like two jewels against the golden tone of his skin and his shiny black hair that fell across his wide forehead.
    “You’re staring. Eat.”
    She did as he said and cleaned her plate. “That was delicious. I needed this coffee.” She raised her cup and drank the last drop. “Let me get my purse. I’ll clean this up later.”
    “No problem. I’ll have the dishes rinsed and in the dishwasher by the time you get back.”
    A warm hum filled her body. She hurried and soon was headed out the door. It was a sunny day outside with just a nip of coolness. Sahale helped her into the truck and went around and got in. He glanced at his watch. “We’ll be at Nanna’s around lunchtime.”
    They didn’t talk much on the way. Ellen looked out the window at the fields filled with wildflowers. Occasionally, she saw men herding cattle from place to place and others working on fences or doing other jobs.
    “They’re always kept busy with this large a ranch,” Sahale said, noting her interest in the surroundings.
    “Do they go out on jobs like you and Mitch and the others I’ve met?”
    “If we need a big crew for the job, they will. That’s seldom necessary. Most of them love the job of ranching. They’re happy to stay here and keep things going at home. You haven’t met my family yet. Our ranch foreman is my brother. I’ll introduce you the first chance we get.”
    “I’d like to meet him. He has a big job.”
    “He does, and he’s an excellent leader. See the two high bluffs?” He nodded to the right. “Nanna’s house is situated between them. The river we’ll be crossing runs behind her home.”
    “I can’t wait to meet her and see the area. It sounds lovely.”
    In a few minutes, they rode across a wooden bridge and turned to the right. The bluffs were bigger than her first impression. Sahale drove around the first bluff and into a valley nestled between the two. Green grass and pink, yellow, and white wildflowers spread across the ground. Sunlight sparkled off the water and two deer stood drinking from the opposite side. They raised their heads and turned to run back into the trees behind them. Smoke came out of the chimney of the small cabin.
    “It looks like a painting. Too charming to be real.”
    “Nanna asked Mitch for this land to build her house on. He agreed and he talked with my father. Then Dad and some of the other men built the cabin for her.” Sahale grinned. “Under her specifications of course. Mitch visits her regularly.”
    “I’m almost afraid to meet her. She sounds like a formidable woman, who will find me very ordinary.”
    “Have an open mind. You’ll be surprised what you find.”
    “I will.” Ellen took a deep breath and didn’t realize she’d clenched her hand into a fist.
    Sahale parked the truck and took her hand in his. He smoothed out her fingers. “She will like you because I love you. Nanna and I are connected

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