Calm, Cool, and Adjusted

Calm, Cool, and Adjusted by Kristin Billerbeck

Book: Calm, Cool, and Adjusted by Kristin Billerbeck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Billerbeck
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have your touch.”
    I step away from him. Inside me, I want him to be saying so much more than he is, but he’s not saying any of that. He’s looking to make as few changes to his life as possible while at the same time inhabiting an island across the ocean. “I’m flattered, Simon, but that’s hardly realistic. I can’t leave the rest of my patients for one.” Even my favorite one.
    “In business, it’s all about matching the right person to the job. That’s why CEOs make what they do. It’s why some companies are going private again, after being public. To get the best CEOs, they want the freedom, and it’s driving the new business trend.”
    I shake my head. “I hardly see what that has to do with me. I couldn’t be any less corporate if I’d never entered a Starbucks.”
    “CEOs make what they do because of their track record. A good businessman is only as good as his last deal. His record is based on substantial success.”
    “Again, I don’t see what that has to with me.”
    Brian looks over at me and sees I’m still talking. Mary’s massage is coming to an end, but seeing the depth of our conversation, he continues to vibrate Mary’s back with vigor.
    “You, Poppy, have that same track record in your field and that’s what I want in Hawaii—the best. It’s not simply a matter of my being spoiled; it’s about taking you to the next level. You can be here and be ordinary, but you’re not ordinary.”
    “Simon, I’m not moving to Hawaii. And trust me, I’m as ordinary as they come.” One only has to look at my dating résumé to see that.
    “What’s here for you? You can run every day of the year, swim, bike ride. You were made to live in Hawaii, Poppy. We can chop that skirt of yours off above the knee, make it a mini, and you’re ready.” He looks at my aubergine skirt. “Speaking of the skirt, where is it?”
    I don’t want to admit it’s gone missing because I have a date and I’m trying my hand at normalcy. Simon would see it as selling out. “It took me a long time to build up a clientele; I can’t just leave them to move to paradise. What kind of healer would I be?”
    “There’re sick people in Hawaii, and you could sell the business to another chiropractor and we’ll find some Hawaiian locals to work with over there. You can have an entire clinic. A health spa, if you will. I’m willing to fund it, Poppy. Not because I think you’re a charity case, but because I know what you’re capable of and that’s what I do. Invest where I’ll get a return. I believe in you wholeheartedly, in case you’re not hearing that in my tone.”
    When our eyes meet again, I know he truly does believe in me that way, and it’s just too much weight on my shoulders. “Simon, oh my goodness, what would I do without you and your positive energy? Not all of us were meant to be moguls like you and have everything we touch turn to gold. Some of us have to be the average folks, you know? I’m just a worker bee.”
    He lifts my chin tenderly once again. “Are you?”
    I catch my breath. “I have average things to do. I have my childhood home to clean out, patients to see, a bridesmaid to be, a run to train for. I’m average, and I’m happy with that. Not that my own natural spa isn’t extremely tempting, Simon.” And those brown eyes asking me—not that that isn’t tempting. I pause for a moment. “What’s this about Hawaii anyway?”
    “I just have family business there, and there are a few opportunities I want to pursue while I’m at it.”
    “Right.” Is it just me or was there really no answer in that? “Simon, I’m not buying a car here. Answer the question.”
    “Well, I’m bored, Poppy. A man cannot live on golf alone. I’ve dabbled here and there with a few start-ups and helped them get moving, but I just want more. I went to Hawaii a few weeks ago, and I met with a local whose golf business was failing. Poppy, I knew exactly the problem, and I knew how to solve

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