Calling the Play
easy to maintain.”
    “You still work out,” Ty observed. Brian’s biceps strained the arms of his plain white T-shirt. He still dressed to fade into the background, plain T-shirt and shorts. Nothing fancy with Brian. Just complicated. “They have special T-shirts for guys with muscles, you know.”
    “Do they?” Brian looked down at his arms with mild curiosity. “I didn’t think I needed them. I’m pretty normal looking.” He moved over to the stove to check the pasta. It was one of the only things in Ty’s pantry.
    “Normal looking?” Randi came into the kitchen, smelling like his body wash. She’d changed into a tiny pair of shorts and a tight T-shirt. God bless her for her tiny wardrobe. “Are you kidding me? What planet are you from that you’re normal? Because it isn’t planet Earth.” She hopped up on the barstool next to Ty. “What’s for dinner?” she asked.
    “Pasta,” Brian answered before Ty could. “He didn’t have much else. We’re going to have to go shopping for you, Ty,” he added. “Have you forgotten everything about diet?”
    Ty gave a long-suffering sigh. “No, I haven’t forgotten,” he said. “I just don’t cook for myself. During the season I eat with the team at the facility. They cater for us.”
    “And off-season?” Brian faced him, arms crossed, and the sight of him in his kitchen, cooking for him, lecturing him, made Ty dizzy with that sense of déjà vu again.
    “Off-season I fend for myself,” Ty said. “And before you yell at me, I haven’t gained any weight over the summer. I’ve been a good boy.”
    Randi raised her hand. “I can attest to that. He’s a very good boy.” She looked between them. “Wait. We’re not talking about sex, are we? My bad.”
    “Set the table,” Brian said to no one in particular. Both Ty and Randi hopped down to do his bidding and they laughed.
    “I’m hungry,” she said.
    “You’re always hungry.” There was something about doing the domestic routine with Brian and Randi that felt very good. Ty steeled himself against it. He was tired of wishing for the moon and getting a fistful of nothing for his trouble. Brian had already run from him, and Randi was probably putting on her track shoes, especially since she’d been here for the drama with Brian.
    Dinner was simple, but delicious. Brian had always had a knack for that, for making the simple things seem better than they ought to be. It had grounded Ty back in the day when he was just starting to get attention and special privileges for his football skills. Maybe Brian and the Rebels were right. Maybe he needed that again, the grounding in what was simple and fundamental.
    After dinner, they wandered back out to the patio. Ty put some music on low, and Randi started dancing slowly around the patio, swaying her hips as her wineglass dangled from her fingertips. They didn’t talk, and the silence stretched, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. He just enjoyed the warm night air and sitting with Brian, watching Randi. She went over to Brian and crooked her finger at him. He started to get up, but then he hesitated, looking at Ty. “Go on,” Ty said, anticipation tingling in his veins. Brian stood up and went to her as if he had strings attached and she was pulling on them. Ty knew the feeling.
    He knew Randi was up to something, had known since yesterday that she was interested in a threesome with Brian. And God knows he liked to watch Brian with women. It used to be his favorite thing in the world. He rubbed his chest, suddenly feeling a nostalgic ache there for what they’d once had, what he’d thought they could have. And Brian was back, and apparently he wanted the same things now. But Ty didn’t know if he could trust him like that again. Randi’s desires were the only thing preventing him from sending Brian home right now, because his own needs and desires and confusion were tangling him up inside.
    Randi wrapped herself around Brian and they did a slow grind

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