Caleb Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 7]

Caleb Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 7] by Anitra Lynn McLeod Page B

Book: Caleb Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 7] by Anitra Lynn McLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anitra Lynn McLeod
Tags: Romance
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turning away. “Why is this so hard?”
    “Because it’s new.” McBride shrugged. “And this trust thing is a two-way street that neither one of us is totally used to yet.”
    “With time it will get easier. But don’t be shocked that it’s not instantaneous.” McBride pulled him close and took a much more lingering smooch. “It will get better. Just like the sex.”
    “That’s going to get better, too?” Caleb laughed lightly. “If it gets too much better, it might end up killing us both.”
    McBride laughed and then returned to the parlor. Even though it was difficult for him, Caleb left the big house and went back to the shed. What he found made him turn right around and exit. Apparently, Easton had gotten the machine working because he and Jared were testing it. From the way they were pressed together and most of their clothing was off, they were close to leaving the thing alone and taking up with one another.
    Unsure what to do with himself, Caleb went over to his little house intent on cleaning things up. He lost himself when he entered the bedroom. The smell of McBride and sex was a potent combination that hardened him almost instantly. He looked down at his cock and sighed. Eventually, the excitement would wear off and he’d be able to go an hour or two without thinking about McBride.
    Rather than make his bed, he climbed into it and lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling. Did McBride really trust him? Caleb felt that he did, but trust was such a fragile thing. They’d teased and taunted one another for so long that there was a raw edge to their relationship that only time would heal. But even then, much like McBride’s ear, there was always going to be a ragged scar.
    “Will we get past it?” Frankly, Caleb thought they had to. They were completely bonded now, so there was no turning back. Not that Caleb wanted to. He was happy with his mate. Well, that wasn’t quite true. He was ecstatic with his mate. McBride was more than he’d thought when he’d been fantasizing about him. His daydreams didn’t remotely come close to the reality of feeling his powerful, hairy body against his own. Part of the attraction was that they were so physically similar, but another part was that they were able to surprise one another. Like McBride surrendering his virginity to Caleb. Not in a million years had he thought that was possible. He always imagined McBride claiming him, not the other way around.
    “I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong.”
    As he lay there, idly stroking his cock, loving his arousal but not needing to find release, he realized he was also trying to calm himself. Tonight the slammers would return. Caleb hoped that McBride really did trust him, because he had a gut feeling that their faith in one another was going to be sorely tested.

Chapter 9
    As forthcoming as Timon had been, he hadn’t been all that informative.
    “I’m sorry I can’t tell you anything else.”
    “You’ve been very helpful.” McBride reached out to pat Timon’s leg, but he flinched away. Given how the slammers kept him in a cage where everyone could paw at him but not fuck or drink from him, it wasn’t much wonder that he was completely terrified of anyone touching him. Even Ferris’s touch got a bit of a jolt, and Timon trusted him completely. With time, his anxiety would ease.
    “All I really know is they want Caleb more than anything. He’s a key to whatever it is they’re trying to do.”
    And that was the issue right there. McBride had no idea what that might be. He left Timon and Ferris in the parlor, making his way over to the shed. He was curious how Easton’s mechanical training was coming along. McBride heard the grunting and groaning long before he got to the door, so he didn’t enter. Given the sound, he thought it was probably Easton and his mate, Jared. Not that it mattered. The one and only thing he knew for certain was that it wasn’t Caleb in there.
    With a dozen

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