Caelen's Wife: Book One - A Murmur of Providence (Clan McDunnah Series 1)

Caelen's Wife: Book One - A Murmur of Providence (Clan McDunnah Series 1) by Suzan Tisdale Page B

Book: Caelen's Wife: Book One - A Murmur of Providence (Clan McDunnah Series 1) by Suzan Tisdale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzan Tisdale
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something in the man’s warm smile, the way his eyes near sparkled with hidden amusement and kindness that made her feel at ease in his presence. He spoke to her as if she were a long lost friend and she liked him immediately. “’Tis a pleasure to meet ye, Phillip McAdams.”
    Phillip was not quite finished with offering advice on teething babes. “Ye should also try a sugar teat.”
    “Aye, when he wakes we shall try that. Fer now, I’d like to keep him sleepin’.”
    Looking away from Phillip she turned her attention to the group of men standing near the entryway. Caelen looked as though he’d just seen a ghost.With such a peculiar expression about his face, she began to wonder if she had something stuck to her face or mayhap she’d forgotten to dress that morn.

    T he moment his eyes first rested on Fiona, that small crack in the stone around his heart melted, as if it were nothing more than slag in a blacksmith’s forge. It had been protecting his heart for well over a decade. Now, it was gone in the time it took to soak in the sight of Fiona McPherson, standing in front of the hearth, with a babe in her arms.
    In all his dealings with Fiona McPherson, he had never seen her look so … so beautiful that it stole away his very breath.
    A dark blue gown of serviceable wool, fit the curves of her body with perfection. Over that she wore an arisaid made out of the McPherson colors of red, green, and blue. A simple broach held it in place.
    Her hair, which he’d never before seen unplaited, hung in a braid over one shoulder. In her arms, she held a sleeping babe, swaddled in a pale yellow blanket.
    Caelen McDunnah wasn’t exactly certain, but he believed he might very well have just had a glimpse into heaven.
    Before he did something stupid — such as fall to one knee and proclaim his undying love and devotion — he cleared his throat. “Good,” his voice choked on the walnut-sized lump that had somehow become lodged there, forcing him to clear his throat again. “Good day, me lady.”
    Fiona offered him a soft, warm smile.
    His knees nearly buckled. ’Twas a sweet, soft, warm smile, one she could have given to anyone. ‘Twasn’t as if she beamed with happiness to see him. ’Twas everything about her in that one, tiny moment of time, that made his chest tighten and his legs feel as strong as warm porridge.
    Willing his heart to beat at a more reasonable rate, he took a deep, calming breath and steeled his nerves. Remember yer wife and babe, Caelen, he heard a voice deep within him speak. Ye canna take another wife. Ye’ll only be a disappointment to her. Ye’ll no’ be there when she needs ye most.
    The voice was a slap in the face, a way to bring him back to his senses. Knowing his inner voice was indeed correct, he did his best to convince himself that he did not want, nor did he need Fiona McPherson.
    “What brings ye here, this day?” Fiona asked in a soft whisper reminiscent of a faint spring breeze tenderly caressing new grass. God, what he would not do to feel her gentle breath against his skin. To hear it whispering words of love against his ear. Calm yerself ye bloody fool!
    “We bring yer cattle,” he managed to grind out, hoping he did not sound as foolish as he felt.
    “Thank ye kindly, Caelen.”
    Brodie returned, from where, Caelen did not know for he hadn’t noticed him leaving. “Deana is bringing ye refreshment,” he told Caelen.
    Phillip and Fiona whispered harshly, “ Wheesht!”
    “Sorry,” Brodie whispered, looking momentarily like a chastised child.
    “I be famished,” Phillip told Fiona. “I thank ye in advance fer yer kind hospitality.”
    ’Twas then that a very comely, yet tired looking lass entered the room from above stairs. Rushing to Fiona, she looked concerned as well as confused. “I woke to Collin snoring and did not see Symon,” she explained. “How on earth did ye get him to sleep?”
    Fiona smiled. “’Tis a secret known only to aunts,” she

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