Cabin Fever: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 2)

Cabin Fever: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 2) by Bella Love-Wins

Book: Cabin Fever: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 2) by Bella Love-Wins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Love-Wins
example. The truth was, despite the blowout in the car, they had been through a lot together over the last three days. The three of them—along with John and Trina—were also volleyball teammates. One profanity-laced spat couldn’t change their bond so easily.
    She put down her things and headed straight for her linen closet to grab some towels. What she needed was a long shower, some comfy pajamas and eight hours sleep. She looked in the mirror when she made it to the bathroom, and gawked at her hair. And my own shampoo and conditioner!   She let the shower run while she undressed. It had to be hot, to relax her arms and shoulder muscles after driving for four hours.
    She stepped in once steam started billowing out from above the shower curtain. The water was perfect. She closed her eyes and just stood under it, letting the soothing stream fall down her head and chest. As it poured down her body and over her nipples, a single frame of Andrew flashed across her tranquil mind.
    Her attention transitioned from the calming water to the past three days with him. She couldn’t stop herself, and wasn’t sure she wanted to think of anything or anyone else. She reached for the body wash sponge and poured her favorite soap over it. As she scrubbed, she felt Andrew’s touch, and responded in the way he made her react every time.
    Her breath hitched as she pretended his lips were teasing her nipples, his massive arms wrapped around her. Her stomach clenched and heat pooled between her legs at the thought of straddling his ripped body, and riding his thick, hard cock. She hadn’t touched herself, and already she was aroused; nipples hard, clit swollen and needy for Andrew’s touch.
    She spread her legs and glided a slippery hand between them. It was Andrew touching her now. He was moving his tongue against her, licking and sucking her clit, making her body thrash back and forth from pure pleasure. Her breathing quickened. She could hear herself panting. She lifted a leg to the side of the tub and slid two fingers inside. Letting out a groan, she called Andrew’s name, wishing it was his broad and talented fingers moving deeper inside her.
    Abby was getting closer now. She stroked and pinched her nipples with the other hand. Her body writhed wildly, grinding into her fingers as they slid in and out, stimulating and tantalized her wet pussy. Without warning, she felt her channel clamp tightly around her fingers as a wave of energy exploded out from her core. She held on to the shower wall. Her vision blurred and the orgasmic ecstasy overtook her completely.
    She stood under the water for a few minutes, letting it massage into her. Soon, her mind returned and the throbbing ceased. Exhaustion was setting in. She turned off the shower and stepped out. Wrapping a towel around her, she carried a second towel back to her room. She spread it over her pillow and went back to the living room. She had promised to send Andrew a text to let him know they had all arrived safely. Once she crafted a short message and hit send, she returned to her room and collapsed into bed. As she drifted to sleep, she wondered what Andrew might be doing right at that very moment.
    Abby awoke to the sound of the doorbell. It may have rung a few times, because it felt like a dream at first. It was a good thing her bedroom door was open, otherwise she would not have heard it at all. She wasn’t sure how long she had been sleeping, but it had to be late. None of her friends would show up without phoning or texting. She assumed the person might have texted; her phone was still in the living room.
    She got up and searched her dresser drawer for a t-shirt and some jeans to put on. She walked to the door. There was no peephole, so she had gotten used to peeking through the window beside the door to check. When she looked out the window, she froze. She wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or imagining. She took a nervous breath and scrambled to unlock the

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