By Honor Betray'd: Mageworlds #3

By Honor Betray'd: Mageworlds #3 by Debra Doyle, James D. MacDonald

Book: By Honor Betray'd: Mageworlds #3 by Debra Doyle, James D. MacDonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Doyle, James D. MacDonald
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your presumed death on Artat without an adequate investigation. Under the present circumstances, the civilized galaxy doesn’t need a pretender to the throne of Entibor.”
    “Gene scan,” she countered. “Dahl&Dahl keeps the family records; you can do a check, no problem. Besides—if I’m not me, then I didn’t shoot that guy ten years ago, either.”
    “A quibble. These things do require sorting out, you know. But the most immediate and urgent matter is the possibility of treason—”
    “ What?” She was on her feet and halfway across the cell before she remembered the force field and brought herself up short, fists clenched and body trembling with rage. “How dare you—”
    “Treason,” he said again. “And deliberate endangerment of the Suivan settlements.”
    Oh, damn . She fought to keep her face from showing her dismay. That last one is bad.
    Because it’s true .
    She swallowed hard and made her voice stay as before, calm and slightly insolent. “Purely out of idle curiosity—what are you calling treason these days?”
    “According to your ship’s official log as transmitted to Suivan officials, your last recorded port of call was Ninglin in the Mageworlds, scant days before the current outbreak of hostilities. This requires investigation.”
    “I was picking up some money hauling intersystem freight,” she said. “All clean and legal.”
    “But the suspicion remains—particularly in light of your subsequent actions.”
    “Now we come to it.” She crossed her arms over her chest and faced him squarely. “Which of my subsequent actions do you want to talk about?”
    “We can begin,” Tarveet said, “with that singularly ill-advised hyperspace transmission of yours—tantamount to issuing an open invitation to the Mageworlds Warfleet.”
    She bit her lip. Damn. I wish he’d let well enough alone. “I had my reasons. And I am the Domina of Entibor. It’s none of Pleyver’s business how I conduct my world’s affairs.”
    “Perhaps not. But unless something can be done, your current legal difficulties will make it hard for you to conduct those affairs at all.”
    “Aha,” she said. “Now we’re back at that ‘proposition’ of yours, aren’t we? What’s the deal?”
    Tarveet smiled primly. “I can take care of all the outstanding fines and assessments, and see to it that all contracts for your arrest and detention are withdrawn. In return, my lady, you can make me your consort and General of the Armies of Entibor.”
    She stared at him, her gorge rising. “Consort? You ? I wouldn’t let you in the same bed with me if I was dead and laid out for burning!”
    His pale face colored. “The arrangement need not be formalized in the old style, my lady. The title position alone will be sufficient.”
    “Sorry.” She was clenching and unclenching her fists. If it wasn’t for the force field I’d kill the bastard with my bare hands . “The position is already filled.”
    “Oh, yes. That charming gentleman at the office. Such things can change, you know.”
    “I wouldn’t if I were you, Tarveet. He’s one of the Khesatan Jessans. Think of this as a friendly reminder.”
    “I didn’t have in mind trying anything that clumsy, my lady. You can release him yourself any time you choose.”
    “I don’t choose,” she said, tight-lipped. “Understand this, Tarveet: Nyls Jessan is satisfactory on all counts as General and consort.”
    Tarveet smiled. “Then given your continued obduracy, and the threat your plans present to the Suivan settlements, I have no choice but to remove myself from the discussion before the Steering Committee of Suivi Point concerning your summary termination.” He paused. “Do you wish to reconsider?”
    Beka closed her eyes. Oh, Nyls. I hope you’re alive to get me out of this .
    “No,” she said. “I don’t. Now get the hell out of here before you make me sick.”
    The Gyfferan Foreign Ministry’s hovercar moved with ease through the

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