Butter Wouldn't Melt

Butter Wouldn't Melt by Penny Birch

Book: Butter Wouldn't Melt by Penny Birch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Birch
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apprehension soaring as we headed north. I’d half expected her not to make for Kingsbury, and sure enough, she stayed on the A1, picking up speed as the traffic began to clear beyond the North Circular. I knew where we were going, to The Pumps, an ex-filling station turned bike garage just south of Hatfield, and what that was likely to mean.
    AJ never so much as acknowledged my presence until we arrived, and I hung my head meekly as soon as I’d taken my helmet off. She took no notice, instead walking towards the back of the main building, and I followed. Several girls were already there, most of whom I knew, including her friends Sam and Naomi, also the huge Chinese girl, Xiang, but none of the femmes, only butch girls. They looked up in surprise to see me trailing behind AJ instead of walking by her side.
    â€˜Has the Moppet been misbehaving?’ Sam asked.
    â€˜She’s been unfaithful,’ AJ answered, and turned to me. ‘Strip, unless you want your clothes cut off.’
    I didn’t, and hastened to obey, my hands shaking badly as I began to scramble out of my clothes.Nobody else could see me, unless they came around the end of the building, but I was still going nude in public. Once I’d kicked my knickers off, the temptation to cover my breasts and pussy with my hands was overwhelming but, when I did, it only made me feel small and stupid. I put my hands on top of my head instead, to stand trembling and exposed on the warm, oil-stained concrete, examining my feet in embarrassment and fear as the girls gathered around. AJ came close, tilting my chin up with one finger to force me to look her in the face.
    â€˜So,’ she said, ‘you like a bit of variety, do you?’
    â€˜It . . . it wasn’t like that!’ I managed.
    â€˜No?’ she queried. ‘That’s how it looked to me. So what did she do with you?’
    I hesitated, but only for a moment. Jade knew pretty well everything and it was more than likely she’d had it squeezed out of her.
    â€˜She spanked me,’ I said, ‘for taking too long over lunch. She spanked me and made me lick her out.’
    â€˜And? Did she get you bare?’
    â€˜No. She . . . she pulled my knickers down.’
    â€˜What position did she spank you in.’
    I was already pink faced, and going rapidly pinker as I confessed.
    â€˜Um . . . she did me . . . on my back . . . on my desk, in nappy-changing position.’
    Somebody behind me giggled. AJ gave a knowing nod and I realised Jade had definitely been made to tell.
    â€˜Any other dirty little details you’d like to tell us about?’ AJ asked. ‘How she made you come, perhaps?’
    â€˜She . . . she spanked my pussy.’
    â€˜Um . . . she fingered me, and . . . and tickled my bumhole.’
    â€˜She . . . she put a little plug up my bottom, one of those rubber date stamps, while she spanked me.’
    â€˜And what did she do with it after your spanking? Did she leave it up your bottom?’
    â€˜No. Oh, AJ, please, no . . . oh, OK, she made me suck it.’
    â€˜She made you suck it? After it had been up your bottom?’
    There were giggles and sounds of both delight and disgust from around me. AJ smiled, her face full of cruelty and lust as she leant closer still to speak again.
    â€˜And did you enjoy that, Pippa? Did you enjoy sucking on a plug you’d just had up your dirty bottom?’
    â€˜I wasn’t dirty!’
    There was a chorus of laughter, leaving my face burning so hot my cheeks must have been beetroot coloured.
    â€˜Did you enjoy it?’ AJ demanded.
    â€˜Yes,’ I admitted, close to tears, my head filled with panic and confusion as I was made to admit my filthy behaviour, but not my

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