Burning Love [Flights of Fancy 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Burning Love [Flights of Fancy 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) by Melodee Aaron Page B

Book: Burning Love [Flights of Fancy 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) by Melodee Aaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melodee Aaron
Tags: Romance
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    He nodded. "May I help you carry her? The heat is getting to you as well."
    Spence considered. Krell obviously had his actions with the elders planned, but didn't reveal them for some reason. He trusted the man just a little more now. "Sure."
    They carried Star from the temple and into the empty plaza. They found some shade under a tree that looked like some mad cross between an oak, pine, and palm tree and placed her on the dark grass. Spence pulled off his vest and rolled it into a pillow for her head.
    "I want you to know that I care for Star deeply, but I won't come between you and her." Krell shrugged again. "The physical aspects of love are important to humans, and I can never give her what you can."
    He felt a little off balance by Krell's sudden foray into the topic of Star. "That's big of you." It sounded flippant, and maybe he intended it to.
    "Love between Hendri—" He stopped suddenly, his face wrinkled in thought. "Love between Hendri or between Rangor is more emotional. Perhaps spiritual is a better word."
    "I don't understand." Spence chuckled a little. "Then again, I wonder just what she sees in you."
    Krell shrugged and reached out his hand to touch Spence's forehead.
    In an instant, the details of the situation they were in seemed to fade into the background. Spence knew they had problems and he knew they needed to solve them, but the urgency faded in perspective.
    Like waves he once saw on a beach in the Sandusky system, undulations of peace and tranquility washed over his mind, relaxing him and letting him focus on the important things in life. In his mind's eye, Spence saw two faces staring at him.
    One was human and beautiful, piercing green eyes set in soft, tan skin and surrounded by billowing red hair. A soft smile touched the lips of the face, and he felt things no Marine should feel, or at least admit to feeling. The warmth and safety promised by the loving smile rocked through him, and he found himself wanting Star to hold him.
    The other was alien, with large black eyes placed far apart in blue skin that looked like suede. Bluish-black hair danced at the edges of the face, and the small mouth and thin nose were almost not noticeable at first. But the feelings of safety and warmth were the same, and the urge to cuddle didn't fade at all.
    He'd bumped his head hard when the rifle exploded in his hands, and the pain had settled into a nagging throb. Suddenly, the pain vanished. It didn't fade away as his worries did, but just turned off, like someone pulled the plug on a laser. Just gone.
    Just as suddenly, Spence realized exactly what it was that Star saw in Krell. It was Krell, somehow, doing this to him. He manipulated Spence's thoughts and perceptions in some way, and Spence knew Krell could do far more than this, and probably had with Star.
    He knew he should push away, break the contact with Krell, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The fact was that he liked the way it made him feel. It was almost as good as the feelings he had when Star held him close to her. Spence could feel her breath on his neck and cheek as they embraced, and there was something new in the mix, too. While her soft hands caressed his body, the gentle tendrils of Krell's mind touched his brain. His erection strained against the body armor, and he wondered if the rigid suit could contain him.
    His eyes dropped away from Krell and fell on Star's still form in the grass. Through the peace and rising tide of passion in his mind, Spence could think clearly.
    He grabbed Krell's arm and pulled it away from his head. "Wait! You can help her!"
    Krell stared for a moment, his eyes slowly focusing on the here and now. "I don't see how."
    "Make her injuries better! You made my head stop hurting!"
    A trio of lines appeared between the wide-set eyes. "Perhaps." He reached out and touched Star's head, the long fingers resting gently on the hot, red skin. After a moment, Krell pulled his hand away. "I need your

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