Burning Love [Flights of Fancy 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Burning Love [Flights of Fancy 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) by Melodee Aaron Page A

Book: Burning Love [Flights of Fancy 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) by Melodee Aaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melodee Aaron
Tags: Romance
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the elders."
    Spence sat staring at the room for a moment, then crawled for his shattered rifle. The barrel had swelled and split, the metal ripped back like a peeled banana, but he flipped the gun over in his hands. He fumbled with the weapon for a second, and Star saw one of the small grenades drop into his hand. He pressed a button on the sphere, then tossed it past where the wall once stood.
    "Take cover!"
    Krell dropped the blaster and jumped on top of her just as an explosion rang out.
    * * * *
    Chris stood beside the command chair, keeping his voice low. "Elsa, we have to go. Now."
    She glanced at the status board. The deflectors were down to 7%, and the Field was violet with some flickers of white showing.
    He touched her arm. "We can't do anything for them."
    "I know." She took a deep breath. "Helm, take us away from the planet. Full impulse power on head—"
    The tactical officer interrupted. "Ma'am, the energy beams just cut off."
    "Helm, belay that." As Elsa watched, the Field dumped heat to the surrounding space, the color already fading to blue.
    "Captain, I have the source of the energy waves pinpointed now." The officer checked the scanners. "I can get a single torpedo in with no collateral damage."
    She thought for a minute. Following her instincts, Elsa kept Daedalus here despite the threat, and that worked out, though she didn't know what lasting damage the ship had yet. Her gut now told her to wait, not to fire on their attackers, but she had no defense for the action. Elsa wondered how long it would be before Chris decided she was taking too many risks and relieved her of command.
    It didn't matter. It would take time for him to get another command officer and the ship's doctor behind him. "Lock torpedoes on target. Do not arm."
    "Aye, aye, Captain."
    Chris' raised eyebrows told her all she needed to know. He thought she was crazy, but couldn't prove it.
    "Captain, I have the landing party." The communications officer smiled. "Sergeant Kyle on the line."
    She thumbed the switch for the communicator on her command chair. "Sergeant, what's your status?"
    "Everyone except Major Spencer and Lieutenant Hawking is here on the LC, Ma'am. Their status is unknown. We have no immediate threats to the LC and crew."
    Elsa glanced to the science officer. "Find them. Now." She smiled at the communicator. "Very well. Standby, but be ready to evac if you're attacked."
    "Understood, Captain."
    "Stay in contact with us." She clicked off. "Science, anything?"
    "Not yet, Ma'am. I started at their quarters and I'm spiraling out from there."
    "Good. Keep at it."
    "Damage reports, Captain." Chris didn't look terribly happy.
    "Go ahead."
    "Mostly minor stuff. The most serious is a plasma leak in the starboard hyperdrive tubes."
    "Get crews on it."
    "Already done." He smiled a little. "We got lucky."
    * * * *
    He'd been just a little slow on his dive behind the column. Spence tried to justify it by thinking he'd been looking to make sure Star was safe, but the fact was that he tripped over his big feet. The explosion rang his chimes better than Betty Higingbaum did back when he was fourteen and in the ninth grade under the bleachers at the football game.
    He looked up and saw Krell kneeling next to Star. His first try at standing resulting in the room spinning furiously and Spence sat down hard enough to cause his teeth to click together. He crawled instead.
    Star was unconscious, and her breathing was rapid and shallow. Krell looked up. "I know nothing of human physiology, but I fear for her."
    Her skin was hot, hotter than a Hendri's, and her skin felt dry and crackly. Spence leaned close to her, stroking her cheek. "Star? Come on, honey. Can you hear me?" She didn't respond.
    He tongued the communicator control in his helmet. "Spencer to LC." No answer came.
    Krell went to Harnlan's still form. "He's dead."
    "Shame, that." He thought for a moment. "We need to get Star out of here, someplace

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