how beautiful you are?
    I shook my head. "I'm not. But you make
    me feel like I am." I wanted to be beautiful.
    To him. For him. I didn't really care how
    anybody eise saw me. Only Ethan.
    He reached across me, opened the glove
    compartment, extracted a little box wrapped in gold foil. He cradled it in his perfect
    hand, offered it to me like a toddler might.
    Inside was an oval locket, etched
    gold on a Serpentine chain, and inside that was a photo of Ethan.
    So you II always carry me with you.
    I fingered the intricate carvings, the interlocking links of chain.
    And then I Turned it over. Engraved on the back were three magic words.
    Ethan pulled me close, repeated
    those words. I love you, Pattyn.
    He kissed me, delicious as honey.
    His kiss held love. His eyes held love.
    Goose bumps erupted all over my body. I was thrilled. Terrified.
    But I couldn't deny how I felt about him. "I love you, too, Ethan."
    We Went to a Movie
    Probably only the third in my life, and my first ever with a guy.
    I should remember everything about it. But I don't.
    I don't remember the names of the actors, and all I can recall about the plot is that everyone
    thought the main character was someone he wasn't.
    (Aren't we all someone we're not?)
    I do remember the smell of popcorn as we walked through the door, and whiny children, pleading for candy and soda pop.
    I remember how people seemed to smile at us, a young couple, hand in hand. I wondered
    if they smiled because they knew we were in love.
    Or maybe they smiled at what they imagined
    we did in the dark.
    Doing stuff in the dark of the movie theater is what I remember best.
    Also Remember the Drive Home
    tucked close beside Ethan, his picture tucked close to my heart, where I would
    carry him always
    He drove slowly, and we
    talked and talked about our lives
    BE (before each other), and what might become of our lives now that they intertwined.
    How would we keep our love
    alive, with him at college and me at school, daily existence at odds.
    Where would I go to school?
    No one had mentioned
    if or when my extended
    vacation might end.
    If I stayed with
    Aunt J, my school would
    be seven hundred miles from Ethan's.
    If I went home, our schools
    would be less than two
    hundred miles apart.
    Not an insurmountable
    distance. Unless you
    figured in my dad.
    Of course, there were ways around my dad.
    Weren't there?
    Even If There Were
    Ways around my dad, did I want to have to find them?
    Did I want to go home?
    Living with Aunt J had opened
    my eyes. To harsh realities.
    Harsh realities smoldering at home.
    To the true meanings of love.
    Love, like between Aunt J and me.
    Love I wouldn't find at home.
    Love, like I had discovered in Ethan's arms.
    Love that home might destroy.
    But if I stayed with Aunt J,
    Ethan seven hundred miles away, what would become of our love?
    Three Magic Words
    Had changed my existence yet again, words I'd feared and now embraced.
    I love you played over and over in my brain, music without melody.
    I sat very close, almost in his lap, head against his Shoulder, breathing
    him in, hand on his thigh.
    He was warm, and my warmth.
    Streng, and my strength.
    Ethan was no summer
    Hing. Suddenly, certainly, he was everything.
    How could I
    ever live without him?
    We Agreed Not to Worry
    About it the rest of the weekend, five whole days to spend together, culminating with the July Fourth
    BBQ and fireworks extravaganza.
    I would meet Ethan 's dad that evening.
    Meanwhile, I wanted one thing--
    okay, I wanted several, but I had
    one particular goal in mind, which I brought up on Saturday.
    "Ethan, will you teach me to ride?"
    And not Old Poncho. "Paprika."
    Ethan was patient. Not so Paprika.
    She took one look at the total "greenhorn," and decided to teach me the finer
    points of equine bitchery.
    She snorted. Kicked. Rooted
    herseif and refused to move.
    When I finally convinCed her otherwise, she lowered her head and bucked.
    Then she

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