Burn For Him

Burn For Him by Kristan Belle

Book: Burn For Him by Kristan Belle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristan Belle
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a good point there. It wouldn’t do to be distracting the nursing staff while they’re tending to your friend.” He rose one eyebrow at me and smirked.
    That was when it hit me like a physical blow. Destiny. How the hell could I be standing there naked in my bathroom, having mind blowing frantic sex with a virtual stranger when we didn’t even know what was wrong with her? What the hell was I thinking? What kind of friend was I? It was wrong. It was sick. What had I been thinking?
    I looked up at him. Sex really suited him, there was no denying that. If he had been a flower, he would have been in full bloom right now. That was totally the wrong kind of analogy, seeing as Milligan would never have been likened to anything quite as dainty and feminine as a flower. He was pure man, through and through. I’d never really met anyone quite as masculine as him. He really did make me feel like the ‘little lady’ he was looking for. I don’t mean that in a bad way, it was just that he was a very dominant and powerful presence in my life already.
    “Carrie? What’s wrong?”
    I smiled up at him sadly. I didn’t want anything to ruin what was starting between us, but reality always seemed to find a way to mess up all the good things in my life, tainting them. “I was just thinking about Destiny.”
    He grabbed one of the smaller towels off the pile on the vanity unit and knelt down naked in front of me. It was then, all of a sudden, that I realised I was naked and a chill of embarrassment ran through me. He didn’t seem to notice as he reverently started to pat down my skin, drying it inch by inch. The embarrassment faded quickly as the gentle sensation gave way to the sensual feeling that he brought out in me.
    “There’s no point in worrying about that now. We’ll find out more when we get back there and find out from Harper what’s been happening.”
    It was kind of hard to concentrate on what he was saying as the towel was starting to travel up the inside of my thigh.
    I cleared my throat and took a step back from him, wrapping a large towel around my body. I felt sick with the swirl of emotions running through me. The nearness of Milligan seemed to cloud my senses, but the reality of Destiny’s situation kept prickling through my mind. The happiness and the fear warred within me.
    “It’s not as easy as all that.” Tears started to prick my eyes.
    “Just try and enjoy the moment. Don’t ever feel guilty for having pleasure.” Milligan stood up and stepped forward, trailing a light touch down my bare arm.
    I couldn’t move anywhere in the tiny bathroom, and what’s more, I didn’t want to. The yearning was overtaking the guilt once again as Milligan filled my vision.
    I closed my eyes to gather myself. “But that’s the thing. I do feel guilty.” I shivered at his touch and guilt flooded me further. What the hell was I doing? What was wrong with me? My mind was turning to mush and I seemed helpless to stop it.
    “Do I need to fuck the guilt out of you, Carrie?” Milligan grinned menacingly.
    I wasn’t actually too sure if he was joking or not. What worried me more was that I would happily put off going to the hospital for a few more hours just to spend more time in bed with Milligan. The time in the shower hadn’t been enough for me and the ache was screaming for more.
    But I couldn’t do that. I had Destiny to think of. And Harper needed some rest and he wouldn’t leave her there alone. I couldn’t do that to either of them. I felt awful that I was already late going to the hospital to relieve him. Not that Milligan was entirely to blame. After all, it wasn’t like I tried to fend him off with a stick. I’d been a willing partner, more than willing. But, what sort of person did that make me? Sleeping with a stranger when my friends needed me?
    Milligan laughed softly. “Relax. You haven’t done anything wrong. Don’t beat yourself up.”
    “So why does it feel like I

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