Building Heat

Building Heat by K. Sterling

Book: Building Heat by K. Sterling Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Sterling
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it was heaven.
    Mason let his head fall to the side as he tried to guess what Avery was thinking about. From the tightening of the space between Avery’s brows, it was obvious he was trying to work something out. Mason sipped his coffee patiently as he waited. He smiled as Avery’s lips twisted. He was debating something. Mason loved that he could already read him so well. His brows raised expectantly when Avery finally looked up at him.
    “Go ahead.” Mason encouraged and Avery looked down and became very interested in his almost empty coffee mug. Avery was trying to hide that his face was turning red. This is going to be good, Mason thought. Avery finished his coffee and set his mug down.
    “The condoms.” Avery said softly and Mason’s attention focused like a laser as his body tightened. He cringed as he nodded and set his mug on the counter.
    “I was going to get some but we never went out yesterday. I didn’t want to make a big deal about it and have you feeling pressured.” Mason explained. Avery shook his head and he frowned.
    “I’m fine.” He insisted as he crossed his arms over his chest. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it. He uncrossed and recrossed his arms and Mason’s brows almost touched his hair.
    “Avery?” Mason said gently. Avery pulled his lips tight and nodded.
    “Right. So… Do you need condoms because of the fear, after what Ryan did or do they add to the… experience?” Avery’s voice broke at the end. It was Mason’s turn to have his mouth open and close like a fish out of water. His brain had shut off and his heart had stopped.
    “I… No. Not because of Ryan.” He said weakly as he tried to remember the last time he’d blinked. Avery nodded slowly.
    “Then, they help with the sex or you like the way they feel?” Avery asked carefully. Mason shook his head wildly.
    “God, no!” Mason exclaimed as his hands gripped the counter on either side of his hips to keep from sliding to the floor as his legs became less solid. Avery’s brows pulled together tight and he frowned as he stared at Mason.
    “Then, why? It’s not like either of us will get pregnant.” His voice was deep and gravelly. Mason’s head pulled back and he stared.
    “Because… you’re supposed to. Safe sex.” It wasn’t Mason's most eloquent statement but it was all he was capable of. Avery’s eyes flicked to the ceiling as if he was trying to solve a math problem before his cheeks puffed out as he exhaled hard.
    “Yeah. I get all that. But I’ve never… with anyone. And you said you haven’t since you were tested. And you said you were clean…” His voice fell away as his eyes searched Mason’s.
    “Oh. Fuck.” Mason whispered as his brain crashed.
    Mason drew in a really deep breath before his hands reached for Avery. He grabbed Avery by his arms and pushed him out of the kitchen. Avery’s eyes flared in shock and he stumbled into the living room. He looked over his shoulder and was about to ask Mason what the hell he was doing but Mason was behind him, shoving Avery urgently down the hallway. They were almost running by the time they reached the bedroom and Mason practically picked up Avery and threw him on the bed.
    “Mason?” Avery asked in confusion before Mason dove onto the bed and covered Avery’s body with his.
    Mason lost his mind. He had to touch Avery everywhere. His hands were frantic and shaking as they slid and clawed over Avery’s warm, hard body. Mason’s tongue and lips were all over Avery’s face, neck and shoulders. Mason twisted and rubbed his body against Avery’s, trying to feel as much of Avery’s skin against his as he could. He groaned in frustration, he couldn’t get close enough. Mason raised his head and kissed Avery desperately, ravenously as he wrapped his hand around Avery’s erection. It was so hot and large in Mason’s hand. He could feel it pulsing and solid as he started to stroke and Avery moaned as his hips started to rise off the bed

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