Buchanan Says No

Buchanan Says No by Jonas Ward

Book: Buchanan Says No by Jonas Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonas Ward
day out of his mind very quickly,
    Bo yd Weston watched him throw a leg up and ride off without a backward glance. Then Weston led his own horse from its concealment and approached the canyon mou th warily. He had heard a great many things but seen only the cattle streaming out. Now a sense of uneasy quiet hun g over all and he was consumed with a strong curiosity to know what had taken place inside those walls.
    Chapter Eleven
    Better leave the door open," Buchanan said, and Ruby Weston smiled from the entrance to the small room.
    “I f that's the way you want it ,” she said.
    "That's the way the landlady wants it. What can I do for you?”
    Ruby, decked out in a green outfit that made a dis play of her flawless figure and dark beauty, held aloft a copy of the Bulletin.
    “I s this ad you ran serious?'' she asked him,
    "Sure it's serious."
    She dropped her glance from his face to the newspaper " “ Wanted . " she read. " 'Nice-looking girl with good shape to deal faro . . “ That's me ,” she told him. "I'm als o over eighteen, Mr. T. Buchanan, and I can stand all the gaff Bella has to offer. When do I start?"
    Buchanan leaned back in his chair, sat there surveying her very frankly for a long moment. Then he smiled.
    "I'll let you know, Mrs. Weston," he said.
    "Let me know right now."
    "There's other applications ,” he said. "This little town is popping at the seams with unemployed lady faro dealers."
    "Not with my qualifications."
    Buchanan cocked his head. "They were easy to look at .” he said.
    "Oh , come now, Buchanan. If you're really serious about giving Troy's some competition, how could you do better than with Frank Power's mistress?"
    "That's a point, I guess, But what do you figure to get out of it?"
    "Money," she said. "Independence. I want to know what it feels like to call the plays the way you men do .”
    "Yeah," Buchanan said. "Us men."
    "You wouldn't know about that, would you?"
    "Lady, you are looking at the original monkey on the stick. I don't even get to sleep where I want to lately." He looked beyond the girl in the doorway to the red- haired Carrie James, who stood on the landing and stared into the room with open curiosity in her lively face. Then Carrie and Ruby exchanged glances and the redhead turned, disdainfully, and walked to her own room.
    "The big attraction at Troy's ,” Ruby said. "Do you think I can compete?"
    "You haven't got the job yet."
    "But I want it very much."
    "I'll let you know ,” Buchanan evaded. "You still staying at the hotel?"
    "Yes," she said, "but I think I’ll take a room here. C l os er to the Happy Times."
    “ You're a lot surer than I am ,” Buchanan said* "There's
    other applications."
    And I'd have safe escort back home each night .” she
    said smiling,
    Buchanan held her steady gaze, "There's safe ,” he said, " a nd there's safe."
    Her smile became warmer, bolder,
    “ You know, I have an idea I misjudged you last night, Buc hanan. You're more man than I figured."
    “ I might even be more than you're figuring on now,"
    “ That would be interesting ,” she said. "Something else that’s interesting is how you expect to fight Frank Power an d stay alive."
    "Little Joe didn't say ,” He said, and Ruby laughed.
    "The Happy Times Saloon won't be exactly dull ? will it?"
    "Not exactly, Mrs . Weston."
    "You like to "Mrs. Weston' me, don't you? Rub my no se in it ,”
    It's the only name I have for you .’ Buchanan said. “ M r s. Boyd Weston*"
    "Say 'Ruby . "
    "Mrs. Ruby Weston ,”
    She moved from the doorway , came to stand directly beside the chair where he sat.
    "When was the last time you kissed a woman ? Bu chanan?"
    "A good-looking one?"
    “ A woman."
    "Over in Yuma," he told her thoughtfully. "The eighth of June."
    "How was it?"
    "Real good."
    This is the twentieth of July. You want to kiss another one?”
    "Sure ,” he said, coming out of the chair, upsetting it as she moved up against him. Her arms encircled his neck and Buchanan treated

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