Brook Street: Thief

Brook Street: Thief by Ava March

Book: Brook Street: Thief by Ava March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava March
Benjamin’s mouth, rubbed against his trousers, keeping the lust roused during their short stay in the study honed to a razor-sharp edge.
    He shouldn’t have given in. He shouldn’t have even agreed to go to the study after dinner, let alone agreed to leave the study and come upstairs but…
    Hell, he had wanted to agree. Wanted to be with Benjamin. To have the man beneath him. If only once again.
    Moonlight streamed through the windows, outlining Benjamin at the side of the bed. “Correct.” The man pulled back the coverlet. “And this one is officially yours, but in the event my housekeeper checks the room in the morning, I want it to appear as if you actually spent the night here.”
    Drawn to Benjamin, he crossed the room. Palming Benjamin’s hips, Cavin nuzzled the space behind his ear, the soft ends of his hair tickling Cavin’s nose. “Wise man.”
    Benjamin pushed back, pressing the hard arch of Cavin’s erection against the crease of his arse. He let out a little grunt then turned in Cavin’s arms. “I try, though it’s my first time displaying such wisdom.”
    With a tug on Benjamin’s hips, Cavin brought their bodies together, his mouth covering Benjamin’s. The reminder that he was the only man to have touched Benjamin, the only man who had tasted his lips, heard those little grunts…
    His heart clenched. If only he could be the only one forever.
    Benjamin pushed on his chest, breaking the kiss. “Let’s get to my bedchamber so we can get rid of these clothes.”
    Cavin nipped at his lower lip. “I couldn’t agree more.”
    Grabbing Benjamin’s hand again, Cavin led the man to the room at the end of the corridor. He barely had time to notice that Benjamin did indeed have a massive bed, the four posters illuminated by the faint golden glow from the fire in the hearth, when Benjamin shoved him back, using Cavin’s body to snap the door shut. Benjamin’s lips slanted across his, hungry and eager. As Cavin pushed his tongue into Benjamin’s mouth, he blindly slapped the door near his hip. His fingertips found cool brass, and he turned the lock.
    Hands tugged at clothing, buttons gave way, fabric was pushed down and off and over heads as they made their way to the side of the bed. Mouths crushed together, they tumbled onto the mattress. Sprawled over Cavin, Benjamin pushed up and leaned left, toward his bedside table.
    “Need to light a candle.”
    “But the fire’s lit.” He tugged on Benjamin’s waist, wanting the man’s mouth back on his.
    “Not enough. I want to be able to see you in all your glory.”
    Cavin let out a sound that was halfway between a snort and a chuckle. “All of my glory?”
    The candle flared to life.
    “Yes.” Knees straddling Cavin’s waist, Benjamin turned the full force of his attention back to Cavin, desire blazing in a gaze that roamed Cavin’s chest. His hands soon followed, and then bending down, his mouth.
    Cool and soft, lips coasted over Cavin’s heated skin. A hot tongue slipped out to flick across his nipple. Teeth captured the hardened tip and tugged lightly.
    Sensation shot straight to Cavin’s prick, arching his back. His cock jumped, brushing Benjamin’s ballocks. It felt as if there was a line connected between his nipple and his cock. Each flick of Benjamin’s tongue reverberated in his prick, left him panting and desperate for another lick. Another tug of his teeth.
    How was it that he’d never realized just how sensitive his nipples were?
    Probably because he’d never had Benjamin’s inquisitive mouth on them before.
    Benjamin’s lips dragged across his chest to lavish his other nipple with attention. Nipping and licking and driving Cavin to the point where he began to worry he might actually spill his seed if Benjamin didn’t let up.
    That wouldn’t do at all. He wanted tonight to last to the dawn, not have it end in a matter of minutes.
    Cavin palmed Benjamin’s arse. “Move up.”
    Benjamin lifted his head. Wonderful, eager

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