Broken Melody (Rock With You #2) Rock Star Romance

Broken Melody (Rock With You #2) Rock Star Romance by Adriana Hunter

Book: Broken Melody (Rock With You #2) Rock Star Romance by Adriana Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Hunter
    The last place Melody Lawson wanted to be
was at work. But she had responsibilities to her clients, Logan MacKenzie among
heart clenched at the thought of him, the worry lines that had been a permanent
fixture on her face since last night deepening. Logan… she loved him, and he
loved her. Love at first sight…
desk was a mess, and there was a new paralegal standing in her doorway,
hesitant, anxious, almost painfully eager to please. Melody looked at her,
already exasperated. Ryan Marshall, exerting his control as her boss, had
apparently cut Melody out of the hiring process; she’d interviewed no
one—not even been given the chance—and this woman wouldn’t have
been her first choice. Not that she cared. At this point she just wanted to get
through the day. And to try to find Logan.
in. You’ll need to get used to the chaos…and learn to help me control it.” Melody
waved the woman to the chair by the desk.
name is? I had your resume…” Melody shuffled the papers on her desk.
Hull…Victoria is what I go by. It’s nice to meet you.” The woman looked at Melody,
made a half-hearted attempt to extend a hand, and then withdrew it.
Victoria. I’ll be frank. I’ve got a mess here. Melissa, my…the previous
paralegal, left abruptly. I’m under some pressure here, on a lot of fronts, and
things have gotten a bit out of control. I’m trying to keep things—really
important things—from falling through the cracks.”
scooped up a stack of envelopes and papers. “What I’d like you to start with is
this. It’s mail from the last few days. Open it, look for notices of filings,
requests for information, stuff that needs my attention. Date stamp and put it
back on my desk. The rest, correspondence and stuff, date stamp and save. I’ll
look through it later.”
took the pile of papers from Melody, rifling through the stack. “Anything
you’re looking for in particular?”
actually, anything to do with the MacKenzie-Ashton case. Here’s the case file.
It was just filed and I’m hoping for a quick reply from Ashton, or possibly a
counterclaim. But anything really.”
saying Logan’s name sent a flood of emotions through Melody. Chief among them
at the moment was the smoldering anger directed toward Ryan Marshall.
to be honest, anger at herself, for letting things with Ryan get so far out of
hand. She’d spent most of her sleepless night berating herself for what had
happened, for letting Ryan manipulate her so thoroughly. She had yet to think
about facing him, but it was inevitable, sooner or later, she would have to
deal with Ryan. After I get the paralegal settled.
going to ask you to sit in with me on client meetings as well. We have one
scheduled at ten in the conference…” Melody’s frowned deepened. Victoria was
shaking her head.
Marshall asked that I don’t do that…at least for now. He said he’d let me know
when I could start sitting in.” Victoria’s finally words trailed off into a
clenched her fists as the first flush of anger rose in her cheeks, and by the look
on Victoria’s face, Melody was pretty certain her face radiated pure anger at
the moment. She took a deep breath, held it and then let it out slowly. It’s
not her fault…
a smile on her face, she relaxed her hands, folding them demurely on her desk.
“Fine. We’ll work up to that. For now, take the mail and the file. If you have
questions, ask me. If I’m not here, ask Lori, Mr. Marshall’s paralegal. She’s
been here longer than anyone and she’ll know what to do.”
rose, but Victoria remained seated, looking at Logan’s file. Melody resisted
the urge to tap her foot. At the moment, she wanted to see Ryan, to ask him why
he was now taking over the training of her paralegal. She took another deep
this Logan MacKenzie from Revival? I wanted to

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