Broken Gates

Broken Gates by D. T. Dyllin Page B

Book: Broken Gates by D. T. Dyllin Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. T. Dyllin
Tags: Romance
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out loud, it was like I’d opened the flood gate and rivers of salt water began to track down my cheeks.
    “What? You can’t be serious,” Jeremy exclaimed in utter disbelief.
    It was then that Jenna decided to make her entrance, and a dramatic one it was indeed. She flung Khol’s door open with such force it slammed against the wall behind it and swung back to hit her in the shoulder. She staggered more from the surprise of it but toppled over none the less and landed on her ass with a look of shock intermingled with anger etched across her face. She looked over at me and blew her bangs out of her face with a puff of exasperated breath. “What’d I miss?”
    Jeremy left my side and hurried over to help Jenna to her feet. As soon as they touched, a huge smile spread across her face that left him seeming a bit dazed. I had the sudden urge to look away like I was witnessing something I had no right to, as if the look they shared was meant to be kept behind closed doors. No us yet , my ass Jeremy. I’d never seen Jenna look at a guy with the true look of adoration that she was currently giving him, lust yes, but this was definitely more than that. And like a light switched off, Jenna turned her focus from Jeremy to me and narrowed her eyes. “That’s not really a good look for you, you know? I mean if you were going to do something drastic with your hair I would have thought you’d have the sense to consult with me first.” How could I have almost forgotten? Of course my new aversion to mirrors probably helped, not to mention that Jeremy hadn’t said anything. “And what’s up with your eyes?” Jenna’s face pinched together as if my appearance physically pained her, and who knew maybe it did. Although it was probably more likely she was just pained by the fact that she thought I went and had a major makeover without her help.
    I raised my hand up to touch my hair self-consciously and fresh tears spilled down my face. “I know it’s awful,” I hiccupped.
    Jenna came to stand in front of me and began to study me with her self-proclaimed discerning eyes. “This is why you should have come to me, grasshopper.” Her lips twitched up into a smile. “But no worries, your sensei is here now.”
    “You don’t understand. I didn’t do this to myself.” I motioned frantically at my white hair. “She did—the Queen.”
    “Huh. Well, she might be a queen of something but it’s definitely not of colorists.” Ugh. What did I have to do to get her to understand?
    Thankfully Jeremy seemed to be quicker on the uptake at the moment. “It’s not dyed, Jenna.” His eyes widened almost imperceptibly as he began studying me as well. “Her energy is different . . . way different. I can almost see the traces of the magic that did it. It’s permanent.”
    “That bitch!” Jenna hissed. “She magically fried your hair? What the hell happened when you met with her?” And as if the words took a minute to seep into her consciousness, she whipped her head around to look at Jeremy. “What do you mean it’s permanent? Like P.J.’s hair is like this forever?”
    “That’s usually what permanent means,” Jeremy retorted dryly.
    Her face scrunched up into a look of pity as she turned back toward me again. “Oh, well, that’s okay. The bright side is that you can pick any color you want to dye it. You’ll have to do it more often to avoid getting white roots, but old people do it all the time so—”
    “No!” I exclaimed in frustration. “It’s un-dyable! I’m stuck being a white haired freak for the rest of my very long dragon life!”
    “At least you’re only half dragon so you won’t—”
    A strangled sound escaped from me as I flung myself face down on Khol’s bed. “Just stop Jenna! Stop!” I screamed into the comforter. “Next maybe you’d like to bring up the fact that I don’t know who the father of my baby is!”
    I felt the bed shift, a signal that Jenna had taken up residence next to me

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