Broken Dreams (Broken Series)

Broken Dreams (Broken Series) by Dawn Pendleton

Book: Broken Dreams (Broken Series) by Dawn Pendleton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Pendleton
    “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against my throat.
    I tilted my head to the side to give him better access and groaned. “Me too,” I admitted, my fingernails digging into his back while he worked his magic on me.
    I was lost to everything but the sight and feel of him against me. He smelled incredible, too. I inhaled his scent and let go of everything. All the stress that had been weighing me down was lifted, just by his presence.
    His hands crept under my shirt and lifted it, exposing my breasts to his watchful gaze. I watched his gaze go dark as he spotted the bruise on my shoulder, but he didn’t stop. He covered each breast with his hand and gently rubbed my distended nipples. I sucked in a breath, my earlier nausea gone as desire filled me.
    I undid his belt and popped the button, slowly sliding the zipper down
in his shorts and grasp
him fully. I was rewarded with his harsh groan. He sucked on my neck more and dropped one of his hands to my panties. I was already wet and he groaned again when he felt it.
    “I want you,” he whispered against my ear, dragging my underwear to the side so he could touch me. He didn’t waste any time with preliminaries; he thrust two fingers deep into me and I arched against him.
    “Yes,” I whispered back, lost to everything but him.
    He yanked my shirt off and tossed it on the counter beside us
, then
pulled himself free of his shorts and boxers. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom
, rolling
it rolled on before I could do any more than stare at him.
When he
pressed himself against me
I scooted to the edge of the counter, anxious to get closer to him.
    All thoughts fled, except for getting as much of him as I could. It didn’t matter why he was here, or what he wanted from me; all that mattered was this – us. My breathing picked up again, and although I wasn’t as limber as I would have liked, Baker did all the work and pushed into me, filling me so completely I cried out.
    He stayed there for a moment, his eyes closed in ecstasy as
savored the feel of me. When his eyes opened, he looked at me intently and pulled out just a little. I instinctively brought my knees tighter around
hips, afraid he would leave me. His signature smirk greeted me and then he thrust in again. I threw my head back and his mouth came down to my neck again, suckling the sensitive skin.
    “Rainey, is everything okay?” Brittney entered the kitchen and stopped short at the sight of us. My eyes flew to hers and she covered her mouth. “Sorry,” she mumbled and fled the room. I heard the distinct click of her bedroom door down the hall and then I lost it.
    I laughed so whole-heartedly that I hardly noticed Baker’s horrified expression. He pulled completely out of me, ripped off the condom
and tossed it in the trash behind him.
    “Tell me I’m not standing here in your aunt’s house with my dick out,” he grit out. He gently tucked himself back into his pants while I let out all my pent-up laughter. He tried to look at me seriously but eventually broke out in a grin.
    “I blame you for this,” he accused.
    “Me? I was just itching for some coffee when you attacked me with your hot body a
devilish smile,” I defended.
    His lips parted at my words, his pupils dilated. He had an incredibly hungry, sexy look on his face. I was almost drawn in again as he moved toward me.
    “No!” I playfully slapped him away. “I am horrified that Britt just found us like that
” I jumped down from the counter, grabbing my shirt and slipping it on. “I have to go get dressed. Try to keep it in your pants, okay?”
    “Hurry back, or I might attack your aunt with this thing

e wiggled, thrusting his crotch out at me. “It’s got a mind of its own!”
    I made my way up the stairs with a chuckle, unable to get the picture of Baker waving himself in front of me. Regardless of how much I might have believed he and I should stay away

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