Brie Visits Master's Italy (After Graduation, #7)

Brie Visits Master's Italy (After Graduation, #7) by Red Phoenix

Book: Brie Visits Master's Italy (After Graduation, #7) by Red Phoenix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Red Phoenix
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Brie
Challenge at Haven

    I n celebration of her documentary, Sir took Brie to the Haven that night. It was hard not to tell everyone why she was so happy, but she’d promised Sir to keep her recent success under wraps until she’d had a chance to talk to her parents. Sir insisted that they do it in person. Brie knew the discussion would not go well, so she buried it in the back of her mind and embraced the festivities and kinkiness of the Haven.
    She saw that Tono was in the middle of a sensuous scene in one of the largest alcoves. He had a considerable group of Kinbaku enthusiasts watching his precision and skill. She stopped to admire his artful work.
    The Asian Dom’s hands glided over the sub as he finished adjusting his knots before lifting the girl into the air. Brie heard a woman beside her gasp and knew she was imagining herself in Tono’s ropes, flying under his power. It was a common fantasy many of the subs shared.
    Brie looked again and realized that she recognized the submissive being suspended. It was Candy, the girl she had met on the bus months ago, the one she had given Sir’s Submissive Training card to. The look of ecstasy on the girl’s face contrasted starkly with what Brie remembered on the subway. At the time, Candy had been under the service of an abusive ‘wannabe’ Dom. She’d had the look of the worn and beaten, but to see her now one would never know it was even the same person.
    Brie smiled to herself, glad she had made the sacrifice of the card when she felt the urging. As much as she had wanted to keep it as a memento, it was worth the joy she was experiencing right now seeing Candy so happy and fulfilled.
    Tono turned to secure a last tie and noticed Brie in the audience. He gave her a slight nod and then continued with his scene, whispering to Candy. The girl moaned in pleasure when his hand rested near her mound. He was the master of incidental touches—simple contact that could drive a girl wild.
    Brie turned to say something to Sir, but he was no longer by her side. She moved through the crowd, anxious to find him. She tripped on a crop left carelessly on the floor and collided face first into a muscular chest. Brie looked up and was shocked to see Faelan looking down at her. He was equally thrown off by the unexpected collision.
    His blue eyes held her in their gaze for a brief moment before he pushed away from her and grabbed the woman beside him. He fisted the blonde’s hair and pulled her head back to kiss her deeply.
    Mary’s surprised whimper shocked Brie even more than running into Faelan had. The two kissed long and passionately before Faelan broke the embrace. “Do you want to scene with me?”
    Blonde Nemesis’ eyes sparkled with expectation. “What kind of scene?”
    “A little knife play,” he suggested lustfully.
    “I’m in.”
    “Good, I plan to play rough tonight.” He escorted Mary through the crowd, leaving Brie behind without any acknowledgement. It was strange to be treated in such a bizarre manner, but Faelan had warned her that she would no longer exist in his world after she chose Sir over him.
    Brie could tell Mary was happy to play his impromptu sub in a scene, but it worried her. Brie was afraid Faelan was only using her. The fact was, Mary genuinely loved the guy and deserved much better than that.
    Scanning the crowds, Brie was even more anxious to find Sir after her unexpected encounter. She finally spotted him on the other side of the large common area engaged in conversation with Master Anderson. She started towards the two, but was stopped by her former trainer, Ms. Clark.
    “What are you doing in the club alone?” Ms. Clark demanded.
    Brie glanced down to avoid looking her in the eyes as she tried to respectfully move past her. “I’m not alone, Mistress. I’m trying to rejoin my Master.”
    Ms. Clark put her hand on Brie’s shoulder and squeezed her sharp fingernails into her flesh. “Don’t be flippant with me, sub,” she

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