Breath of Fate (Dragon Erotica): Rising Dragons #7

Breath of Fate (Dragon Erotica): Rising Dragons #7 by Ophelia Bell Page A

Book: Breath of Fate (Dragon Erotica): Rising Dragons #7 by Ophelia Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ophelia Bell
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, dragon shifter
a level of energy he hadn’t seen for months.
    “They need to rest,” she said. “And so do you, my love.”
    “How do you feel?” he asked, tilting his cheek into her warm palm and resting his large hand atop her belly.
    “Invigorated, but I can already feel the Twins absorbing it all. I think I can wait until these two are ready for more.” She glanced behind her on the bed to Dimitri and Thea who now snuggled together, dozing quietly.
    “You don’t have to wait, love,” Kris said. “They are all here for you. Dimitri and his lover were just the best equipped to help you replenish quickly.”
    Issa’s eyes brightened. “All of them came here for my sake?”
    “They want to help. You mean the world to all of us.”
    Issa shifted to the edge of the bed, exhaling a breath that shimmered into the purple gown she’d worn earlier. Before he could stop her, she strode to the door and flung it open. A moment later she was encompassed in the embrace of all their closest friends, finally getting the reunion that hadn’t been possible earlier in the day.

Chapter 10
    W ith the return of Issa’s energy came overwhelming cravings. She was grateful for the presence of her human friends and their willingness to sate those cravings.
    “I never needed more than what Kris could give me before. I blame the babies,” she said to Erika, laughing. “They can’t seem to decide which of you they like the most.”
    “Who is it today?” Erika asked.
    The pair lounged in a shady area beside the steaming pool in the courtyard outside the small temple she and Kris shared. The others were in various states of wakefulness, draped on furniture around the pool, or lounging languidly in the hot water. They had determined that a strict rotation wouldn’t work to keep Issa entirely satisfied and she felt like a complete glutton requesting their attention. It wasn’t until the lightheadedness and nausea that signaled a dangerous depletion of energy returned that Kris insisted she not wait that long, that they go no longer than an hour or two between sessions, and that whomever was willing should do the honors.
    Dimitri and Thea together could keep her satisfied for longer, but after two days they were showing signs of exhaustion.
    “The new one. Trevor. They find him quite pleasing.”
    Erika raised an eyebrow. “Is it the Twins speaking or Issa speaking? He is quite scrumptious, I agree. Rafe and Rowan chose well.”
    Issa felt her cheeks flush at Erika’s observation. “It usually isn’t just one of you. Different pairs appeal in different ways. The Twins always want their father’s energy, but perhaps that’s only a reflection of my own desire for him. But Camille and Eben together are a delightful combination, more so than just one at a time.”
    “What did you think of Corey?”
    Issa pursed her lips, watching the brooding man where he lay in a sunny spot on the far edge of the pool with one arm draped across his eyes. “I didn’t get much of a taste of him. He seems reticent and insists on only the quickest sessions.”
    “He feels guilty. Racha’s still in the Glade with the Council and their other mate didn’t join us on the trip. Jill would probably be able to pull him out of his shell had she come.”
    “Do you find that odd?” Issa asked. “I mean that the other female didn’t come.”
    “Not any stranger than it was that we all hadn’t seen you since we returned from the ritual. You showing up with a couple new passengers was a big surprise, but we all figured Kris had been hiding something all along.”
    “Do you think Corey’s hiding something?”
    Erika shrugged. “If he is, I think he’ll tell us when the time is right.”
    “I’d like more of him,” Issa said decisively. “The Twins are curious after the small tastes they did get. But he seems to hold back power the way a dragon does.”
    Erika tilted her head thoughtfully at Corey’s prone figure. She bit her lip. “I might be able to talk

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