Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice by Shayne McClendon

Book: Breaking the Ice by Shayne McClendon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shayne McClendon
listen.  He
eats more at three than I ate pregnant .  Your poor mother, I can’t
imagine six boys eating like that.”
    Diesel put his elbow on the couch
and sat his chin in his hand.  “Okay, this is the deal.  We go run errands,
yours and mine…then we play with our son and stuff him until he can’t
eat another bite and see if we can’t get him to crash out.  Then, I get to play
with you…until I have you begging me to take you.  Grown up stuff first, then
play time.” 
    He reached under Kenzie’s
sweater, stroked her stomach and up over her breasts, tweaked her nipples
through her bra.  Her thighs clenched against his ribcage and she ground her
pelvis against his chest. 
    “Kenzie, I want you so bad right
now.”  His hand moved to cup her mound through her jeans.  “You’re so hot, I
bet you’re already wet…”  He shook his head hard and stood up.  “You are going
to kill me with how much I need you.  We have to get up and go.  Right now, or
we won’t be leaving.”
    He pulled her to her feet and
caught her against him.  Her hair slid like silk over his hands. 
    “You have to get me out of here,
Diesel.  I can only think about getting you inside me with it so quiet and
private…not that I wouldn’t totally fuck you on aisle nine of the grocery store
during a sale.  I just want you.  We have to go.”
    “MacKenzie, did you just say
you’d fuck me on aisle nine?”  He threw her over his shoulder and headed for
the stairs.  “No making love right now, Kenzie…straight fucking…hard and fast. 
Then we’ll go, I promise.”
    “I would love you to fuck
me like that, Diesel.  It sounds delicious.”  His growl was punctuated with the
flat of his hand slapping her ass.  “You spanked me!  Wow…I got vibrations in
my clit from that…do it again.”  He did.
    Diesel didn’t make it all the way
to the second floor.  He set her down and pushed her torso toward the landing; yanked
her jeans and panties to her knees.  “I want to fuck you so bad, MacKenzie.” 
    Moving his own jeans out of the
way enough to free his cock, he slipped inside her with no foreplay.  Just as
he’d promised, he fucked her hard and fast, powering her up and over her climax
before taking his own. 
    When they could move, Kenzie
turned to kiss him aggressively.  She went to the bathroom to clean up.  By the
time they were in the car, they were breathing normally again. 
    “Diesel…we need to do that more
often.  I feel totally energized.”  After a long pause, he heard her hum
    “What, that sounded like a
naughty thought…tell me,” he demanded.
    Her voice was sweet.  “I think
you should let me tie you up and have my way with you.”  He slammed on the
brakes and they came to a jarring stop in the driveway.
    Kenzie’s face was flushed with
arousal.  He ground out, “Would you let me tie you up if I let you try it
first?”  She nodded.  “We might need to hire help just to have playtime.”  He
pulled her over the console and kissed her.  “Let’s get done and I’ll stop for
toys on the way back to the house.”
    They ran around for most of the
afternoon, Kenzie calling Thad to check in every couple of hours.  When they
were headed back to the house, she called and he didn’t answer, which made her
    “Baby, he’s probably in the
bathroom.  We’ll be there in a few minutes.”
    Walking up the apartment stairs,
their arms loaded with grocery bags, they were laughing as they opened the
front door. 
    Almost every member of their
families were standing in her living room. 
    Jenna LeBlanc was holding Dalton
and cooing to him like he was a little baby.  He was laughing and hugging her,
“Hi, Mommy!  Hi, Daddy!  I missed you.  Dese are my ot’er uncles and I have a grandma ! 
Bonnie has a grandma dat picks her up sometimes, now I have a grandma!  Wait
‘til I tell Bonnie!”
    Digger and Kat, Damien and
Cristiana, Dean and Jackie, Justin and

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