Break Me
    He held his arm out to me, and I grabbed it, walking with him to the entrance.
    My phone dinged and I reached into my clutch. As I checked it, I heard someone cough nearby.
    “Well, well, well, now what do we have here?”
    Brett stopped, forcing me to stop with him, and I looked up.
    My stomach dropped as I saw three very tough looking guys surround us. My heart sped up. “Brett,” I whispered.
    He placed his other hand on mine, tightening it. “Hello, gentlemen. Nice evening, isn’t it?”
    The three guys looked at each other and laughed. “Yeah, it is a nice evening.”
    Unease settled in my belly as I recognized the voice. A fourth guy stepped from behind a van. It was Jose. “Brett, we should leave. Like right now. We can have dinner at my place.” I took a step back.
    “Yeah, Brett, you should listen to Tori.” Jose sneered, taking a step towards us.
    “What the hell do you want, Jose?” I bit out.
    “Does Sebastian know you’re out with Brett?” He smirked.
    “Obviously. You were there when we were talking about it.”
    Jose glared at me but he didn’t respond. “I spent time with your sister today, Brett. She sure is a pretty thing.”
    Brett took a step forward at the mention of his sister. I held onto his arm firmly. There was no way he would be able to take on four guys, and I definitely wouldn’t be much help unless I gouged an eye out with my heel.
    “Brett, don’t.”
    “I’d listen to your girlfriend if I were you. Oh, wait, she isn’t your girlfriend. I forgot, you’re her second choice,” Jose mocked as he took a step toward us.
    I could feel the tension boiling off Brett as Jose got closer to us. We really needed to leave. I didn’t know what would happen, but I didn’t trust any of the guys in front of us.
    “What do you want?”
    Jose’s gaze flashed to mine and then roamed over my body.
    “You should never ask a deranged psychopath what they want.” Sebastian came up behind Jose and clapped him on the shoulder, smirking at me. Jose laughed in agreement.
    Shock flowed through me at seeing Sebastian there. “Sebastian, what the hell are you doing here?” And why was he all of a sudden chummy with Jose?
    “Oh, I decided to join the fun.” He turned to the other three guys. “You can leave.”
    Turning back to us, he stood beside Jose.
    “You mother fucker cock sucking piece of…” Sebastian laughed, interrupting Brett’s name-calling.
    I pulled Brett’s arm. “Let’s go,” I whispered. I didn’t want to stay to find out exactly what they were doing here. We started backing up.
    “I don’t think so. Brett can leave, but you’re not going anywhere, little one.”
    My stomach fell to my feet, and I spun on them.
    “What do you want with her? You already got your piece.”
    “Brett.” He turned to me, and I scowled at him.
    “Yeah, and then she goes out with you after—kind of a slut move on her part.” Jose glared at me.
    Sebastian and Brett both turned to him. “Hey,” they said at the same time, and they frowned at each other. Sebastian smacked Jose across the back of the head.
    “Ow. I’m just saying.” He rubbed his head.
    Not really knowing why I should defend myself, I did it anyways. “Brett and I were just going to dinner as friends. Sebastian knew that.”
    “You are very lucky it wasn’t me you fucked because I would not let you get away with going out with another guy. You could say I’m kind of possessive that way.”
    Sebastian’s head whipped to Jose, and he glared at him. “What happens between me and Tori is none of your fucking business, Jose.”
    Jose glared back at him, his fists clenching and unclenching.
    “Yeah, well, it wasn’t you, now, was it, so who cares what you fucking think, asshole?” Apparently my filter was broken at this point because the look Jose gave me made me really regret those words that came out of my mouth.
    Jose’s head snapped my way, and he took a step toward me. “Watch it, cochina .”

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