Brave Men Die: Part 2

Brave Men Die: Part 2 by Dan Adams

Book: Brave Men Die: Part 2 by Dan Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan Adams
Tags: Fantasy
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conscripts. Within two months the first batch of fresh reinforcements will be headed to the mountains.’
    ‘And what of my older sisters?’
    ‘They march with your father’s standing army of Dagenham. The rest of the Empire marshals at Skyview awaiting orders to march into the Murukan Kingdom.’
    ‘How long before they reach the Musea Pass?’
    ‘Inside the space of two weeks, all going according to plan. With over one hundred thousand soldiers too.’
    ‘What about reinforcements for here?’
    ‘Two units will arrive in the morning led by Ballis, they are camped three hours march from Iron Talon Gate. There is another unit two days away.’
    Pyxis sat up and looked in the direction of Black Claw. The embers still glowed red and gave off an unnatural heat under the dark night sky.
    ‘Fine. The cavalry will ride to the Gorgon Pass at daybreak. The infantry will wait until the reinforcements get here and will retake Black Claw. Ballis is a capable commander and a siege specialist. I have no doubt that he will continue to keep the pressure on.’ She said it more to reassure herself than anyone else.
    Putting her head back on her saddle, she closed her eyes and said to Cunx, ‘Wake me just before dawn.’
    The Kyzantines made them wait until midday before the attack came. The baron had posted the Sentinels along the wall, the remnants of the Fangs and Fists assembled on the ground below the wall, ready to assist.
    The summer sun beat down from directly overhead, scorching the tin soldiers. Some wavered under the temperature, their knees buckling before their hands shot out and gripped the stone before them.
    Octans could do nothing but stare at the men on the rampart as the marching army came up the pass and thundered toward Black Claw. He rubbed the back of his calf with the toes of his other boot. He rolled his neck from side to side to work out the anxious tension as the beating drums got louder and louder. Octans watched as the archers on the wall took arrows from their quivers, nocked the shaft, pulled their arms back, and waited for the order to fire.
    A flag dropped from the tower top and the payload was let loose. Octans watched as they flew into the sky, then fell onto the massed troops. He listened to the screams of the dying and the battle cries as they were ordered to charge. He waited, waited for an eternity as the archers fired and the enemy closed the distance. He waited for the sounds of the ladders hitting stone, of the battering ram smashing against the gate. Octans closed his eyes, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.
    Octans’ eyes opened and saw the first of the Kyzantines to have climbed up a ladder and jump onto the wall, slaying the archers in front of him. Other Kyzantines followed and soon the archers were fighting for their lives on the wall.
    Octans took off, raced to the stairs that led to the rampart, assuming that someone else was following. He didn’t dare look back, didn’t take his eyes off his target. He pounded up the stairs, armour jingling, scabbard bouncing, thighs pumping. Octans bounded past the first of the archers, bringing his sword back over his shoulder. The Murukan engaged in combat went down with a blade to his abdomen, dropped as Octans brought his blade around and cleaved the enemy’s head from his shoulders. Blood clung to his two day stubble as he launched himself at the others.
    Ara and Daria were stationed on the tower, in prime position to oversee the battlefield and away from the close quarter fighting on the walls. Ara clenched her fist and fired spell after spell into the waiting masses below. Fire, ice, and lightning spells rained down as the combination of attacks slowly whittled down the Kyzantine troops.
    Ara glanced at Daria when the next barrage of arrow fire came at them, and her purple shield flashed into life just in time and the arrows bounced harmlessly off. Ara reluctantly kept her stronger spell casting to a minimum, she

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