Branded Mage

Branded Mage by D.W. Page B

Book: Branded Mage by D.W. Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.W.
deep-set brown eyes that were like twin acorns. Her luxurious, straight, obsidian hair hung down her back like a flowing stream. She had a graceful build and her skin was ruddy. Though for a seamstress, she wore a plain gray dress accented with little flowers around the midsection.
    “Hello miss , I was wondering if you could make something for me?” Thad said nervously.
    “And here I thought you were here to ravish me.” She said her tone dry and lifeless. “I don’t have all day. What do you want?”
    Thad explained what he wanted done. The seamstress asked a lot of questions. He tried to get her to understand what he was going to try, but in the end he just had to beg her to make the item. After an hour or so she finally agreed to have it to ready for him by morning.
    Back in his room he grabbed up a hand ful of cat eye gems and placed them next to him on the bed. Pulling the first battle harness into his lap, he began to work. He wasn’t sure how long he had sat there, but after the fourth one Eloen knocked on his door then entered his room before he had a chance to get off his bed. She was stunning, wearing her hair done up behind her and wearing a dark blue dress that seemed to glimmer as she moved.
    “Instead of locking yourself in your room all night , why don’t you come down and join us for dinner. Auntie is getting quite vexed with you. She has sent poor Edward up these stairs four times to make sure you would be joining us.”
    “Sorry, I tend to lose track of time when I’m working. Give me a minute and I’ll be right down.” Thad said getting off the bed and stretching his stiff muscles.
    “After taking the trouble of coming all the way up here to get you, I’m not leaving until you come down with me.”
    “But I need to change.” Seeing no reacting from his words , he moved over to the closet where someone had placed a garment for him to wear. It was completely black with a low v-cut. It showed off more of his chest than he was comfortable with. Thad changed quickly, trying his best to keep himself covered from Eloen’s prying eyes.
    Eloen must have found the whole thing funny because she continued to laugh as he struggled to get into the tight clothes. After a fierce battle, he was finally ready and offered his arm to Eloen who still laughing, bowed extravagantly and accepted his offered arm.
    Thad had expected to see the other sold iers at the table, but was slightly disappointed when they walked into the dining room. The duchess sat at the head of the table and open seats had been saved on either side of her. He presumed for him and Eloen. There were also five other women who were all noticeably related, though Thad just wasn’t sure exactly how.
    The duchess stood and held her arm outstretched to the chair on her left. “I am glad my niece was able to convince you to join us Master Mage.”
    Thad bowed low. “It is my pleasure Your Grace.”
    As he moved to take the seat the duchess had indicated , a woman who looked like a younger duchess, but with quite a few more pounds sneered at him. “Sister, you would let a male sit at your left hand ahead of your own flesh and blood.”
    “Mother!” Eloen said embarrassed.
    “Eloen don’t tell me you think this man has the right to eat in the same room with us , let alone at the same table.” One of the younger girls said in disgust.
    Eloen turned to Thad , her face flush with anger. “Thad I apologize for my family. Would it be possible to turn them into frogs or at least take away their ability to talk.”
    Alysia held her hand over her face , trying to muffle the laugh that escaped her lips. The other four ladies looked in shock and Eloen’s mother looked livid.
    Having been treated with contempt and open disdain many times in his life over his gender , Thad wasn’t really upset, but he thought a little fun wouldn’t be taken amiss by the duchess. Raising his hands over his head, Thad began to chant and the looks of the women at the

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