Branded Mage

Branded Mage by D.W. Page A

Book: Branded Mage by D.W. Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.W.
    In his room, he found a large stack of battle harnesses and weapons laid out in front of his bed. It was still only slightly after midday so he had plenty of time, and Eloen had said they had planned to stay for a few days, so a little work wouldn’t be too bad. As he picked up one of the battle harnesses he remembered Alden’s request for a magical bag.
    It took him awhile to find where the seamstress lived. He was surprised that the duchess kept a seamstress around full time , but as much as the peerage enjoyed changing their clothes, he shouldn’t have been.
    The seamstress was much younger than he would have imagined , she couldn’t have been past her early twenties. She had

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