Boys in Blue 01 - Bad Boys Bad Boys

Boys in Blue 01 - Bad Boys Bad Boys by Mia Watts Page A

Book: Boys in Blue 01 - Bad Boys Bad Boys by Mia Watts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Watts
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go on a drive-along with you one of these days.” Will wrapped his lips around his bottle, too, but it didn’t leave Geo with the same effect. “Ever get drunk during one of those things?”
“Hell, no. I drink as little as possible so I don’t have to whiz,” Mack said. “Fucking miserable to sit on your ass for hours with a full bladder.”
“Ever bring a lady on a stakeout?” Will asked, nudging Mack with his elbow.
“I have to listen to Geo whine as it is. Why would I bring along someone who’ll just whine in a higher pitch?”
“It’s called singing, and my sister thinks I have a great voice,” Geo said.
“Your sister thinks I have a great voice too—when I’m humming her clit,” Mack teased.
“My sister wouldn’t come near your hairy ass,” Geo argued.
“Oh yeah, that was your mom.” Mack laughed, lifting his bottle to drain the dregs and calling the bartender over for another two. He motioned that Geo should get one of them.
Geo straddled a stool on the other side of Will. No sense getting closer to Mack than he had to. How would he explain a hard-on for his partner? Mack could break his face a hundred different ways for looking at him sideways?
Hell, Geo didn’t understand it himself. “Just fucking dreams,” he muttered under his breath.
“What dreams?” Will probed.
“That guy,” Mack said pointing at Geo. “That guy has some freaky-ass dreams. Tell Will about the one with the playground equipment grabbing at your fly.”
“I’ll pass.” Geo fisted the beer bottle the minute it hit the counter. Tossing back, he downed it while Will jeered and Mack ordered him a second one. As he drained it, he flicked his tongue over the bottom rim, thinking about cock heads. Mack’s in particular. Geo’s balls throbbed.
“When’s the stakeout?” Will asked.
“Fuck that,” Mack growled.
A cell phone buzzed. All three of them reached for their belts.
Will lifted his. “It’s mine. Shit, it’s Cheryl.” He lifted the phone and plastered a phony smile on his face. “Hey baby, what’s up?”
Geo tuned him out, pushing back a second empty beer bottle and reaching for a third.
“I gotta go. Cheryl’s PMS-ing or some shit,” Will said. He shrugged and dropped a couple of bills on the counter. “See ya, Monday. Unless, of course, you’re still staked.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Geo waved him off.
Mack scooted over a stool. “Thirsty, huh?”
Geo didn’t answer. With his partner even closer now, Geo thought several more beers might be in order. Hands on the bottle meant no hands on Mack. Yeah, good idea.
Mack slapped him on the back. “Drink up then. I’ll getcha home.” Mack’s slap became a shoulder squeeze before he dropped his arm and leaned on the bar. “So what’s eatin’ you?”
Perfect choice of words. If only Mack knew.
“Got a lot on my mind.”
“Women?” Mack asked.
“Maddie will be disappointed,” Mack teased.
It wasn’t Mack’s little sister he worried about disappointing with his redirected lust. They drank in silence for several minutes. Mack switched to cola. Geo tried to figure out what he felt and why his dick insisted on pointing skyward whenever Mack was around.
It hadn’t been unruly before last week. At least, he didn’t remember it being so. There were moments on the job where he’d been at half-mast, but that had been adrenaline. The rush of the chase, right?
“I need to get you home, buddy. You drink another, and you’ll pass out like you did last time you got deep and ponderous.” Mack stood.
Geo stood too although the room tilted. He felt the solid comfort of Mack’s arm around his back. Geo leaned in. Mack smelled good. Damn him. Fuckin’ A. Geo stumbled, his feet feeling like bricks though he didn’t think he’d had that much to drink.
“Only had four beers,” Geo grumbled.
“Six. And no food.”
“Fuck that. I can drink twice as many and still walk a straight line,” Geo argued.

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