Boy Meets Girl

Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot Page B

Book: Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Cabot
Tags: Chick lit, Romance
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order to achieve some semblance of professionalism in the workplace? Is that it?
    To: Kate Mackenzie
    Fr: Jen Sadler
    Re: Why it is that you can never seem to project a cool and put-together demeanor
    I don’t know, but here’s your big chance. HE just walked in. And may I just say, your description does not do him the slightest justice. I wouldn’t have known him, if it hadn’t been for the tie. The guy is HANDCUFF-to-the-bed hot!
    To: Jen Sadler
    Fr: Kate Mackenzie
    Re: He who?
    What are you talking—OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
    What is he DOING here?????????? Why is he going into AMY’s office?????????
    To: Kate Mackenzie
    Fr: Jen Sadler
    Re: Mitchell Hertzog
    I don’t know what he’s doing here—talking to the T.O.D. about the case, probably. But this is your big chance to show him you aren’t the world’s greatest spaz. Get up and go make some copies, or something. Shake that booty you’ve worked into such perfect shape running up and down the stairs to my apartment. Thank GOD you wore a skirt today. . . .
    GO FILE SOMETHING!!!!!!!!! He’s coming out of her office . . .
    Go!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
    To: Jen Sadler
    Fr: Kate Mackenzie
    Re: Mitchell Hertzog
    To: Jen Sadler
    Fr: Tim Grabowksi
    Re: Mitchell Hertzog
    Jen, my spies tell me that Stuart Hertzog’s brother is in the Human Resources offices at THIS VERY MOMENT. Also, that he was somehow involved in the incident in the lobby not too long ago, involving Kate Mackenzie and her ex. We have a bet going here in Computers that he’s going to ask Kate out, because there is nothing more appealing to a heterosexual male (or so I’m told) than a woman who needs rescuing. And if there was ever a woman who needs rescuing, it’s Kate.
    So. Dish. What’s the verdict? Don’t let me down, darlin’, I got a fifty riding on this. . . .
    To: Tim Grabowksi
    Fr: Jen Sadler
    Re: Mitchell Hertzog
    Could you be more gay? Actually, he apparently came in to have a little powwow with the T.O.D. She looks pretty upset about it, so it must have been about Ida Lopez. You know she’s been getting grief about that from the 25th floor. In fact, she’s on the phone right now, probably to her fiancé, complaining about his brother’s cavalier attitude.
    Mitchell just came out of her office and bumped into Kate, who was on her way to the copier. They are exchanging pleasantries.
    Will that win you your fifty? Wait, were you for or against?
    SPILL! What’re they saying now?
    Tim! Is that you?
    Who else would it be? No time for pleasantries. Of course I couldn’t be more gay. I AM gay. Now what are they talking about? Has he asked her out yet?
    Oh my God. You computer people have no life. Okay, wait, let me just lean over here a little. . . .
    She’s apologizing for the lobby scene. He’s saying, “You mean guys don’t show up in your lobby bearing roses and singing love ballads to you every day?”
    Ooooooooooooo. Is it true he’s over six feet tall and has a full head of hair?
    Yes. And I should add, he’s quite buff. For a lawyer.
    Now Kate’s laughing. Oh, God, she’s nervous as hell. She keeps tossing her hair.
    Hair tossing is good. What now?
    Shit! Kate’s 4:30 appointment

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