Boxed Set: Traitorous Heart Volumes 1-6 (The Traitorous Heart Series)

Boxed Set: Traitorous Heart Volumes 1-6 (The Traitorous Heart Series) by Breena Wilde

Book: Boxed Set: Traitorous Heart Volumes 1-6 (The Traitorous Heart Series) by Breena Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breena Wilde
    “The Attic, right?”
    “Six p.m.” I hung up and tossed the phone on the rumpled bed, eyeing the messy covers fondly. Katie and I were good together, really good. I headed back into the bathroom to put on deodorant, gel my hair, and shave.
    While I got ready, I thought of Katie, about the time we spent together. It surprised me how much she was on my mind. The song I’d been writing for her came to mind. I sang the words aloud:
    Her body feathers mine
    Fire stokes my veins
    Intimate desire
    She calls out my name…
    With tenderness
    I caress her skin
    Fingers burn
    Feels better than I imagine…
    She’s all that I want
    Her scent the air I want to breathe
    My soul grips with aching
    I’m don’t want to live without her.
    She’s all that I need.
    All that I need.
    All I’ll ever need.  
    An angel in lace
    Her smile lights my soul
    She teases my lip between her teeth
    Fuels feelings I can’t control
    A devil, so demure—
    My cell phone rang, snapping me back to reality. My reflection revealed I had a hard on. It was Katie: the curve of her ass, the way her hips met mine while we fucked. I adjusted my jeans to make room and ran for the phone.
    “What?” I didn’t recognize the number.
    “Hello. This is Stefan Warren’s office calling for a Griffin Maxwell. Is he available?”
    I nearly dropped the phone. Warren Records. The label was huge. “Speaking,” I said, trying to act cooler than I felt.
    “Oh, hello Mr. Maxwell.”
    “Mr. Maxwell is my father’s name. Call me Griffin.”
    Um, okay. Griffin. My name is Mandy. I work for Mr. Warren. He’s requested a meeting. Can you come to L.A.?”
    I sat on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath. If he wanted to meet with me and not the rest of the group, I was out. I cleared my throat and said, “Does he want to meet me or Crushed Velvet?”
    I could hear Mandy typing on her keyboard. “Mr. Warren is interested in speaking with you and your band, Griffin.”
    I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face. That would make the guys happy. “That could work.” 
    “Is Friday afternoon at two o’clock agreeable?” More clicking on the keyboard.
    It was Wednesday. “Yeah, that’ll be great.”
    “Excellent. Let me give you the details.”

    I claspe d my hands together, waiting for her answer. Had Reid been alive when she went up to his apartment?
    Birdy looked at me. “He was alive. I swear it.” Tears fell from her eyes, making tracks through her smeared mascara.
    Cage nodded. “Walk us through it.”
    She gave me another strange look and cleared her throat. “When I got inside his apartment, Reid called me into his bedroom.”
    My heart began to race. Had she and him done something—like fucked? Had she and Reid been closer than I realized? No way. There was no way she would do that to me.
    Birdy went on, “I sat my purse on the kitchen counter. His bedroom door was open. I glanced in and saw he was sitting on the edge of the bed. It looked like he’d been crying. I went in…” Her voice trailed off and her mind seemed to drift into what had happened.
    Cage glanced up from his notes. “Did you do anything besides talk?”
    Birdy picked at her nail, the one that looked like it’d been torn off. “He tried to kiss me,” she whispered.
    I gasped. I hadn’t meant to.
    “I didn’t kiss him back. I told him that was never going to fucking happen.”
    “It’s okay, Birdy.” I didn’t want her to feel like she couldn’t tell the truth. I’d seen first hand the kind of ass Reid could be. If she said he kissed her and she hadn’t kissed him back, I believed her.
    Cage gave me a hard look. “Reid was your fiancé?”
    “Yes, that’s right.”
    His eyes widened as understanding dragged across his features. “Okay, I think things are clearing up. Like mud.” To Birdy, he said, “Keep going. You told him no fucking way. Then what?”
    “He apologized and

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