Bouquet Toss

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Book: Bouquet Toss by Melissa Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Brown
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care of me.  Knowing just how thoughtful, just how considerate this man is multiplies the guilt that continues to build inside of me.
    “No, I’ll be okay.  I think I just need to be alone.  Is that alright?”
    Evan nods solemnly, “Sure, I understand.  I’ll leave my phone number on your counter, you know, in case you need anything.”
    “Thank you so much.  Really, I--” tears are building in my eyes and I’m not really sure what to say to this man who wants to comfort me, who wants a chance with me.  I’m unable to give him the reassurance he seeks.
    “It’s going to be okay.  Really it is,” Evan says.
    Slowly, I muster up enough energy to walk him to the door.  When he leaves, relief sweeps through me.  Doing my best to push the clouds from my head, I’m determined to think clearly, to keep my relationship with Mayson intact.  I refuse to lose him over this.  Today, I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right.  I’ll tell him that I love him, beg for forgiveness, and tear down my wall.  I hope it’s not too late.

Chapter 15
    “So, how long has it been, Daph?” Elise asks.  We are sitting at a local Chinese restaurant.  She holds her chopsticks in anticipation, waiting for me to tell her the last time I heard from Mayson. 
    “Two weeks.  It’s killing me.  I was finally ready, Elise.  I was ready to tell him everything that I’ve been feeling about him, about us.  I keep sending him text messages and calling his cell, but I get nothing in return.  He must be so hurt.  I feel like maybe he’s ending this.”
    “No,” Elise responds, shaking her head.  “There must be a good reason why you haven’t heard from him.  Maybe he’s super busy with work, or he’s not ready to talk.  I’m sure you will hear from him soon, Daph.  He loves you, for goodness sake!”
    Begrudgingly, I raise my chopsticks towards my mouth, forcing in another bite of beef and broccoli.  Just as the food touches my lips, I hear the familiar ring tone of my cell phone.  My stomach does a cartwheel as I dig through my purse, searching for the phone, praying that I can find it before he hangs up.
    “Mayson?  Mayse?” The pause on the other end of the line makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
    “Daphne, hello.  My name is Cecelia Holt.  I’m Mayson’s mother.”  Why on earth would Mayson’s mother be calling me?  I can’t think of any possible reason unless, unless.... “I’ve received all of your messages and texts.  Mayson is not ignoring you, Daphne.  He has been in a very serious accident.”
    My body grows numb. I cannot feel my fingers, my toes.  Panic overwhelms me as I wait for Mrs. Holt to continue, but there is silence.
    “Is he alright?  Is Mayson alright?” my voice is cracking with anticipation and worry.  Tears well in my eyes and my hands begin to quiver.  Elise places her chopsticks on the table, looking at me with questioning concern.
    “No, Daphne.  He’s not alright.  He’s on life support.  We’re hoping that he’ll recover from his injuries, but right now, his outlook is...well, it’s not good.”  Her voice cracks and she clears her throat.
    “Can I see him?”
    “Of course, dear, that’s why I called.  It’s obvious that you two are close, and I wanted you to have the opportunity to visit him, to know where he is.”
    The walls are closing in all around me as I write down the address of the hospital.  My life will never be the same after this phone call.  That realization disturbs me to my core.  Hanging up with Mrs. Holt, I slump in my chair, staring into space.
    “Daphne? Daph!  Honey, what’s going on?  You are as pale as a ghost.”  I can barely hear Elise.  All I can hear is the sound of my heart pumping blood through my veins. Her arms wrap around me as tears flood my eyes, streaming down my face and neck. 
    “I could lose him, Elise.  I could lose him and he’d never know how I feel about

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