Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire)

Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire) by AJ Wiliams

Book: Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire) by AJ Wiliams Read Free Book Online
Authors: AJ Wiliams
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    “Like you and Jefferson talk? Admit it big brother, we don’t talk. We haven’t talked since the day Mom and Dad died.”
    Thomas saw a tear slip down her check. Taking his thumb, he quickly wiped it away.
    “Well, let’s talk. Besides, you’re right. None of us talk, so you and I will start and then we shall tag team our oldest brother and wrestle him to the ground until he talks. Deal?” Thomas found himself smiling in hopes of getting a smile out of his sister.
    It was just after six in the evening and he and Keylee just spent the better part of the day talking. They took a break to eat lunch and Thomas called Wen again at three after he heard back from both Alek and Jefferson who said that she was busy with customers. When he talked to Wen, she was busy but said that she would be home soon.
    Soon could not come fast enough. Glancing at the clock, he had dinner started when he was starting to worry about her. However, he knew traffic could be bad. He figured he would give it a few minutes before he called her. Besides, if she were in trouble, she surely would call him.
    Turning his mind back to cooking dinner, Thomas went over the conversation he had with Keylee. She was behind him in opening a garage and she agreed to join him on this endeavor regardless of what happened with Hunter or Jefferson. She would be there for him and make it a great family adventure.
    Thomas was about to call Wen on her cell phone after another thirty minutes went by without hearing from her when the doorbell rang. Rushing to get it, he pulled it open hoping to see Wen, only to be disappointed to find her father there. “Sir?”
    “Hello, son. I’m sorry to intrude, but I was wondering if Wen was over here? I checked her house and she’s not there, nor is she answering her phone.”
    Alerts went off in his head of what could possibly be wrong.
    Thomas watched as Mr. Snow took a step back as though he had been hit. He read Thomas’s eyes as they no doubt flashed with concern.
    “Fuck.” Thomas heard the words hiss from his mouth.
    Then he noticed once again that Mr. Snow’s eyes going wide….
    “Sorry, sir.”
    “Don’t worry about it, son. I had the exact sentiment after calling her for the fifth time and she didn’t pick up.”
    “Why don’t you come on in, sir, and we can figure out what to do.”
    “Wish I could, son, but I have Andrea in the car who is beside herself.”
    “Bring her in, too. Keylee is upstairs and we’re getting dinner ready. Besides, she could probably use company other than myself right now. While you’re waiting, I can get some phone calls started.”
    Thomas watched as the man turned his head to look back at the car that was sitting in his driveway and then turn back to the opened door where Thomas stood.
    “I don’t know.”
    “Mr. Snow, think of it this way. I’m right across the street from her and if something was to take place, you’re right here. We are all right here.” He placed his hand on the man shoulders giving him a gentle squeeze. Trying to reassure him.
    “Besides, it is better to be with friends than alone while we try to figure out what the hell is going on.”
    That won him over. With a nod from Mr. Snow, he watched as the man went and opened the passenger car door and got his wife out. She put up a fight, but the stance that Mr. Snow took was one of pure will. That man was fighting to stay strong and he was close to losing it. Parents always knew when something wasn’t right. They had good reasons to be upset. Their store had been broken into twice. Their daughter’s house was broken into, then a second time with her still in the house. Thomas didn’t blame them for already taking their minds to the dark place of being truly terrified.
    Turning back around, he yelled for Keylee, who he noticed was already coming his way.
    “Heard you talking to someone. What’s up?”
    “Wen’s missing. Get Alek and Jefferson on the phone. I’m calling Anthony, and

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