Bound to Survive (The Magic Within Book 1)

Bound to Survive (The Magic Within Book 1) by Sharon Gibbs Page A

Book: Bound to Survive (The Magic Within Book 1) by Sharon Gibbs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Gibbs
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and he’d walked over to the shelves where Henry had chosen the stones. Near the jars, boxes of all shapes and sizes were haphazardly scattered on various shelves. Clarence opened several boxes and had looked inside for the amulet. Finally he’d opened a small metal box, of which the inside was covered with soft blue velvet. Nestled inside the cushioned interior was the amulet of the Wizard’s Order. He’d taken the amulet and placed it in Henry’s palm and then he’d taken his place in the circle.
    Henry had stood behind the stone in the south while Clarence had stood directly opposite him on the north side. Henry had held the amulet between his palms and closed his eyes. Softly he’d spoken the words to call the Wizards from the Other World. All had been quiet as he’d repeated the spell. The candles’ flames had flickered as Henry chanted the words, then their flames dimmed to an eerie glow.
    Before Henry, a green haze had appeared and slowly grew. There’d been no visible features to form a face, only a rasp echoed from the haze and had spoken to him.
    ‘Henry, why do you call the words to the Ancient Ones?’
    Henry had opened his eyes. ‘I’ve called upon you to bring forth others to fill the circle,’ he’d said.
    ‘So you’ve summoned us then,’ the voice said, ‘and what are your reasons for doing so?’
    ‘My grandson Christopher lays on the altar,’ Henry said. ‘We believe he is the One, who when he comes of age, will rid us of the foe that has invaded our land and bring peace back to our realm.’
    ‘Why would you think this?’ The voice had said.
    ‘All at the Keep have been slaughtered and who knows how many others suffered the same fate. Prophecy states the child must have his powers bound for him to survive. Or he’ll be found and slaughtered.’
    ‘You know we don’t interfere with the way of life. We know what has happened at the Keep and we’ve seen the snake as it moves its way through the lands. Who says this has anything to do with prophecy?’ the voice had said.
    Henry had been shocked. He’d never thought he’d be questioned. He’d thought they would understand and see their need.
    ‘I do!’ Clarence said with determination. He’d remembered the words written in the Prophecy. ‘I say it has everything to do with the Prophecy. You’ve just confirmed what we know. Yes, the snake travels through our lands, as it is written in the Prophecy. You’ve just confirmed it with your own words,’ he’d said.
    The Ancient One had looked at Clarence. ‘You be Brother Clarence, I see. You’ve great conviction in your words. Do you stand by your Brother and ask the same, for the circle to be fulfilled?’
    ‘Yes, I stand by my Brother. The need for the boy outweighs any needs that we may have for ourselves.’
    ‘Do you understand the consequences of what you ask? Do you know that for us to complete the circle, it leaves only you two to perform the Binding? So the same two must be present at the Unbinding of the boy’s powers. If anything should happen to either one of you, the other won’t be able to return the boy’s essence? He can never have back what has been taken from him. Do you understand the consequences of what you ask?’ The Ancient One had turned to Henry to reaffirm his words. ‘Do you understand all I have spoken of?’
    ‘I understand,’ Henry had said.
    The Ancient One spoke to Clarence again. ‘Do you agree with what your Brother asks? Are you sure you want to make this choice for the boy?’
    Clarence looked at Henry to make sure this was what he wanted for Christopher and Henry had nodded.
    ‘I agree with the choice for the boy,’ Clarence had said.
    ‘Very well then, the circle will be filled.’
    Relief had swept over Henry. Even if something should happen to either one of them, Christopher would be safe.
    The Ancient One’s green glow moved as he’d taken his place in the circle.
    ‘You may have four others of your choosing, if they

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