Bound Through Blood

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Book: Bound Through Blood by Alexis Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Kennedy
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the car shook one last time. The rain had let up just enough for her to catch a glimpse of a shadow moving across the back window—a large shadow. Thankfully, it was moving away from the car. After she felt safe, and worked up her nerve, she looked out the window again and couldn't believe her eyes—she was back on the road! How the hell did that happen ? Feeling very disturbed, yet extremely relieved, she felt the best course of action would be to get out of there as quickly as possible.
    Salena hastened the rest of the way to Heloise's house, despite the still damp roads. She must have a guardian angel.

Chapter 44
    Devin was glad he had been there for Salena when she had needed him. He had wanted to knock on her car window, help her out of the vehicle, and take her into his arms to assure her all would be okay. He was terrified, which he'd only experienced once before—when he had witnessed Abigail being burned alive in her home, and there was nothing he could do to help her—and this was not something he cared to experience ever again. He didn't think he could survive that wave of pain again.
    Now, shape-shifted back into a black wolf, he raced closer to the road just in case Salena needed him again. Unfortunately, his intense focus on her kept him from noticing the brown wolf watching from one-hundred yards away.

Chapter 45
    Gabriel had seen Devin's heroism; he'd seen everything. He'd followed his brother and the tasty morsel; for days, he'd been following them.
    He saw a definite resemblance between this woman and Devin's last love, Abigail, which must be why Devin was interested in anything other than a meal from her. She'd even smelled like her the other night, but, in the dark, he didn't see all of the physical similarities Yes, he was aware of what his brother was up to; he'd kept a close eye on him and the woman all day now.
    Gabriel closed his black eyes and smiled sensually as he remembered the luscious, enticing Abigail. He knew he would have her, all of her, but then something interfered—his older brother. Devin had fallen for the mortal, and since Gabriel only planned to use her for his appetites, he did not feel like challenging his brother for her. Truth be told, he didn't think he would win that fight. He had felt it was useless to take a mate—especially a mortal one—he had all eternity to sample different flavors and certainly would not give that up to be mortal again!
    The brown wolf raced to catch up to the car and his long-lost brother, all the while remaining hidden. Devin should have noticed his presence to begin with—his skills must be thrown off by his obsession with the mortal. Well, that would all work in his favor—not that he was worried about facing Devin now—he is a much stronger vampire than he used to be. He even has some new maneuvers.

Chapter 46
    Salena's heart was still pounding loud and hard in her ears when she pulled into the driveway at Heloise's small cottage. Rushing to get inside, she failed to notice the black cat in the windowsill and the brown owl in a nearby tree. The owl, however, did notice the cat and thought, at least for a second, the cat noticed him too.
    Devin perched in the windowsill and watched Salena rush inside. She was still trembling, and that made him sad; he mewed in concern, but she didn't notice. The rain breeze caught Salena's wonderful fragrance of lavender and honeysuckle but also another faint and familiar scent. He started to look around for Gabriel, but then a loud voice inside the cottage caught his attention.
    He heard the Gypsy woman exclaim, "Salena, you are in danger! Come, sit down, we must look at the cards."
    Salena sat down next to Heloise on the small sofa. "Yes, I know I'm in danger, I ran off the road on the way here. I'm in danger from myself. My hands are still shaking, look," she held her hands up to emphasize.
    Heloise was shocked, "Oh no! I'm glad to see you were not hurt, but I'm afraid this is worse than

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