Bound by Rapture

Bound by Rapture by Megan D. Martin

Book: Bound by Rapture by Megan D. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan D. Martin
jerked me forward, his fingers slipping on my oily skin. 
    I was about to say something when his mother ran up to us. “Oh, Cole, you’re out! Are you okay?” Worry was etched into her brow. “If I’d known you’d made bail, I would have come to pick you up.” I stared at her impeccable acting job, my mouth gaping.
    Instead of responding, Cole pushed his way past her, pulling me along behind him. 
    “Cole, where are you going?” Jennifer asked.
    “I’ll deal with you later,” he grumbled. 
    Fuck. This is bad. How much did he see?
    “Cole, let me talk to you. I can explain this.” Guilt coursed through me. I knew what it looked like out there. 
    “Shut up.” His words were cold. He opened the door to the closest dressing room. Several dancers were inside putting on make-up in front of mirrors surrounded by big white bulbs. “Get the fuck out.” They all jumped at his booming voice.
    “I said now!” he yelled, and all three of the girls hurried out of the room without a backward glance. 
    “Cole.” Randy’s voice came from just behind me. “Let her go, man. Ya don’t need to do this.”
    The pleading in his voice scared me as I turned and met his gaze. Fear pounded against my veins. 
    “This isn’t your business, Randy. Now leave.” Cole started to shut the door, but Randy stopped it with his foot. 
    “Ya remember that talk we had? Remember when I asked ya what you would do when you loved her? Remember? It’s here and ya don’t want to hurt her. None-a this was her idea.” 
    “I said get out. ”
    Cole lunged forward and shoved Randy, surprising him so he stumbled backward. It was enough. Cole slammed the door shut and clicked the lock into place. Pounding immediately began, but Cole ignored it. As he grabbed one of the make-up tables and shoved it against the knob, lipstick and perfume bottles clattered to the floor.  
    No one can get in.
    The thought quadrupled my fear, especially as Cole turned toward me. The room was bright, illuminating everything. His eyes were hollow, dark as if he’d gotten no sleep. He fisted his hands at his sides.
    I expected him to rush at me, but he didn’t. Instead he stood in front of me, his gaze raking up and down my body, brimming with something close to hate. I backed up slowly, trying to put as much distance between us as possible.
    I held my hands out in front of me. “Listen, Cole. I danced with Vic again to lure the killer—”
    “Shut up.” A muscle ticked in his jaw.
    “But I—”
    “I said to shut up.” He walked toward me slowly. His gaze was everywhere at once. I’d seen him be the predator before, but not like this. Like he wanted to slaughter me and fuck me all at once. The very idea made my cunt wet and terrified me at the same time. 
    He murdered his brother. 
    “I’m scared, Cole.” My back met the wall. 
    “You should be.” The slightest smile curved at his lips as he reached into his pocket. Out of it came a knife that he clicked into place. The bright lights reflected off the blade, making its smooth surface shine brightly.
    “What is this, Cole?” I didn’t know what to think. Did he do this? Is he the one who’s been trying to hurt me?
    But he couldn’t be. Why would he do all this? It didn’t make sense. 
    “It’s a knife, Julia.” He stepped closer, his stare never leaving mine. “Or should I say Jewel of the Sea? ”
    “Cole, I did this to help you.”
    “To help me?” He twirled the blade against one thumb. “Getting naked with another man on stage. Letting him touch your body.” He spun the knife faster, until blood started to drip. “Letting him kiss your lips.” He stopped inches away from me and rubbed his bloody thumb against my mouth. “That’s how you thought to help me?”
    My heart sped up. 
    To my surprise, he took a step back. “You’re just saying these things.” He smiled. “You’re just saying them because you’re scared of me now. I knew you

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