Bound By His Desire

Bound By His Desire by Nicole Flockton Page B

Book: Bound By His Desire by Nicole Flockton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Flockton
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her hand. She didn’t want to discuss last night. She’d had an evening where she’d experienced almost every emotion possible. She had no desire to relive each and every one as Nick told her how it had been a huge mistake to kiss her. To take her to the event, when he could’ve taken his lovely girlfriend. She didn’t need him to try and let her down gently. She’d landed already, and it was with a great big thump of reality.
    ‘There’s nothing to talk about, Nick. I’d rather put it down to the excitement of seeing the city and leave it at that.’
    She got up from her stool and moved over to the sink, where she dumped the remainder of her juice down the sink. As she moved past him, he stopped her progression with a hand around her wrist.
    She froze as, with that slightest touch, her body was back remembering what it had felt like to be in his arms. To feel his lips trailing soft kisses over her jaw. To feel his hardness against her belly. At the time she’d thought it was because he desired and wanted her. Now she knew it was something completely different. It wasn’t desire, it was simply a man’s natural reaction to kissing a woman.
    ‘Please, Pam, let me explain Caroline’s presence downstairs when we arrived home.’
    She didn’t want to hear about Caroline. Caroline was probably the daughter of a rich billionaire who went to all the right places, said all the right things and dressed all the right ways. Complete opposite to Pam. Pam, who dressed in sensible clothes. Pam, who’d never made love to a man before. Pam, who was drowning under a mountain of debt with no end in sight.
    ‘I don’t want you touching me again, Nick. Please let go of my hand.’ Her voice was an octave above a whisper. But the meaning behind it was clear. Nick dropped her wrist, and she continued on her way out of the kitchen to her room.
    Somehow she’d get through the rest of the time they were in New York sorting out this deal. The moment it was finalised, she would bring into play the clause he’d had written into the contract and leave this position.
    Last night had been an eye-opener in many ways. After experiencing the buzz of Times Square she wanted to see more exciting places, and she couldn’t do that while she owed so much money. As much as it would kill her to lose the home that had been in her family for generations, she knew she had to sell it. It was the only way she could live her life. If she didn’t, she’d never have financial freedom. She’d made the decision to contact the real estate agent to instruct him to sell her house. Once the house was sold she’d pay off her mortgage and her mother’s medical bills. The debt collectors would be off her back and she would be free to do what she wanted.
    It was time to take control of her life and not let people like Nick Rhodes think she was something they could play with. For so long she’d done what her mother had told her to do. When she should’ve been experiencing life, she’d been looking after her mother.
    For the first time in her life she could do things for herself. She didn’t need to answer to anyone.
    It was time to find who Pamela Bishop really was.
    Pam curled up on the couch with a slice of pizza and flicked through the channels on the television. Nick was out again and she hadn’t asked him where he was going. Ever since their night at the Empire State Building, he’d pretty much gone out and left her by herself. The first couple of nights he was out hadn’t bothered her, she was still adjusting to the time difference and full-on workdays, so she’d been happy to order from whatever takeaway menu she found in the junk drawer in the kitchen. After she’d eaten, she’d curl up with a book and fall asleep. She had no idea what time Nick came home. Many times she’d expected him not to come home, but he was always in the kitchen before her every morning.
    Now it was Friday night, she’d been in New York over a week, she was full of

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