Bound by Desire

Bound by Desire by Tempeste O'Riley

Book: Bound by Desire by Tempeste O'Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tempeste O'Riley
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chapter one

    S ETH STOOD beside the car as James sneered at the wheelchair in front of him. He understood why Seth insisted on the chair, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. No, the fact he would be tired from the long trip didn’t help his disposition in the least, nor did the long walk from area to area in the airport.
    “James, it will not bite, and I don’t want you overtaxed when we arrive at our destination. Now.” Seth’s voice took on the commanding tone James loved, though he still had trouble admitting that outside his head.
    Grumbling, he levered himself from the car and into the chair. James settled his crutches across his lap and watched as Seth collected their luggage. One of Seth’s newer assistants, Tyrell, stepped behind James, unlocked the wheels, and followed beside Seth as they moved inside. Once they were through the ticket area and had dropped off their luggage, Tyrell bid them a pleasant trip and walked toward the front as Seth stepped behind James and began pushing.
    “I can walk, Seth.”
    “I am well aware of that, pet, but we’ve had this discussion, and I will not put up with you continuing to fight me.”
    James fidgeted in the chair a moment but then settled and kept quiet. He didn’t want to fight with Seth; he just hated the reminder of his limitations. “Sorry, love.”
    “Thank you, baby. Now,” Seth breathed against his ear, “I want you to think about what I have planned for when we arrive at the hotel tonight.”
    A soft whimper slipped out before James thought to control his reaction. “You mean…?”
    “Yes, James, you will get to finish this time.” The dark promise in Seth’s deep voice had him rock hard and wanting, again. Not that he hadn’t been in a constant state of arousal for the last five days. James liked the denial games Seth had started with him a couple of months ago, but he didn’t usually make James go so long, nor did he generally tease and torment him quite so thoroughly. They still had sex every day throughout the denial, but the only one allowed to finish was Seth.
    “Thank you, Sir.”
    “Don’t thank me yet. I plan to make you work for it. Now, be a good boy and let’s head to the plane.”
    “Still not sure why we’re flying somewhere for the weekend. Or why we’re doing so on a commercial flight.”
    Seth nipped his ear. “Shh…. You fuss when I spoil you, now you complain when I do things your way? Be good, baby, and I promise, you will enjoy the weekend.” He started pushing the wheelchair again. James bit his tongue and fought to calm his want and his breathing. God, he loved this man.
    H OURS LATER —he’d dozed during the flight in the reclining first-class seat—James was wide awake, hard, and wanting Seth so severely he couldn’t manage to focus on the hotel suite he was now in. They had arrived, and once they’d eaten, settled into their rooms. Knowing Seth was the one who’d set up their plans, the thought flitted through the back of his head that he ought to take a moment to soak it all in, but then Seth tugged his crutches from his hands, moving them away.
    James stood in the bedroom, next to the king-sized bed, confused. Seth never took his sticks away from him, knowing he couldn’t walk without them. “Um, Seth?”
    “Center of the bed, naked, and on your knees, baby. Let me set this stuff down, and I will be right back.”
    Unsure what Seth was up to, James slowly stripped, placing each item in a neat pile to the side. Again glancing toward his lover, James considered not cooperating, but only for a moment. Shrugging, he climbed onto the bed, settled himself on his knees in the middle of it, and sat back on his heels. Once comfortable, resting his hands on his thighs the way Seth liked, he considered what Seth had been doing to and with him lately. It was still weird for him, all the control Seth preferred, but James had come to terms with how much he loved that about his fiancé.
    He watched Seth

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