Bound by Decency

Bound by Decency by Claire Ashgrove

Book: Bound by Decency by Claire Ashgrove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Ashgrove
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
Cain’s agitated soul, peace returned. For the first time since he’d taken India captive, he felt as if he’d made the correct decision. Nassau , with its colorful port, crowded taverns, and painted whores, called.
    When the North Star fell into perfect alignment with the main mast ’s high stump, he clapped a hand on the helmsman’s mate’s shoulder. “Keep her there, mate. Midships now.”
    With a short nod, the helmsman spun the wheel, restoring the rudder in line with the keel.
    In a louder voice, Cain called down to Drake , “Sheet home now, then reeve off the lines.”
    At Drake’s repeated command, the sailors unfurled the remaining sails, straightened them to right angles, and tied off the lines to hold them tight. The Kraken moved forward at a faster pace.
    Satisfied, Cain descended from the poop. Drake met him at the bottom of the stairs, his frown intact.
    “To your cabin, so you say?”
    “So I say.”
    In the tumult, the warmth of Hangman’s Blood running in Cain’s blood faded along with the heaviness in his limbs. As he followed Drake, his head began to pound. Each step increased the drums against his skull, and he squeezed his temples between thumb and middle finger. He blamed India for the throbbing ache. For if she hadn’t tempted him beyond all reason, he would still be sacked out in his bed, not marching through the halls, destined to explain himself.
    Drake pushed open his door and entered. Cain followed, glancing around to insure Reggie didn’t still lurk in the corner.
    All was quiet. Reggie’s bunk, long abandoned.
    Drake dropped into a heavy armchair and steepled his fingers beneath his chin. “You take us into waters filled with pirates. Explain yourself.”
    Cain expelled a harsh breath. “ We are pirates, in case you’ve forgotten. None we meet would be foolish enough to lay siege to us.”
    Exasperated, Drake leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Cain, you’ll find no fat-bellied merchants on the route to Nassau . The crew won’t take kindly to this change of course.”
    More annoyed than he could recall ever being, Cain tempered the urge to pound sense into Drake by counting out three long breaths. When his annoyance faded, he held Drake’s steely stare. “Remind the crew we search for Richard. I’ve wasted three weeks. He left no word with India . If she speaks the truth, and I believe she does, he departed shortly after you gutted Jacobs and stole his keys.”
    “So the good lady prompted you to this madness? She’s recovered? I take it by the fact you’re still awake, she wasn’t happy to see you.”
    More truth than what Cain desired to confess lurked in the answer to Drake’s questions. The happy part, however, haunted him. India ’s kiss spoke far more of welcome than it had disgust. She’d lifted her body as if she too shared the aching need that ran in his blood. Her reaction unsettled him. If she still suffered from the arrack, he could understand her willingness. But that he’d taken the drink away the previous night, made her invitation unexplainable.
    “ India is of no use to me. I’ll not waste another day with her underfoot.”
    Drake’s low laughter rumbled through the closet-sized space. “Methinks, more aptly, you’ve grown soft on the little chit.”
    When Cain scoffed, Drake’s laughter took on more heart. “Now wouldn’t that be fittin’ retribution. Be sure to tell Richard, before you run him through, how sweet she tastes.”
    “Close your trap, Drake.”
    “If you aren’t willin’…”
    A slow burn began in Cain’s gut at the thought of Drake laying a single hand on India . He clenched his fist until his hand began to tingle. Through tight lips he ground out, “Lay one finger on Miss Prescott and you’ll kiss a cannon’s muzzle.”
    Mock innocence passed across Drake’s expression. He held both hands up in surrender. “Easy, Cain. While my current bed is empty, I have a lover. She’d tie my balls in knots if I

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