Borderland Betrayal
All the men fought shirtless but none drew her attention as James did. He stood taller than most of them and was stronger. A pang of sympathy for his opponent struck her. She would not wish to be up against such an indomitable warrior.
    His golden skin glistened under the sun, muscles undulated as he swung his sword at his enemy. Ellise sidled around toward the arched alleyway leading between the walls and paused in the shadows. The shade gave her no relief from the heat, but most of the heat came from within, came from watching James’ agile movements. He lunged forward and she caught sight of the determined expression on his face. All his focus was on his opponent.
    It was the same focus with which he approached everything in life. Ellise let a smile slip across her lips. In some ways, she understood it. She felt the same determination to get her son back and create a new life for them. Unfortunately James proved quite the distraction. And who could blame her? Was there ever a more beautiful man?
    “He always wins.”
    Ellise jolted away from the wall and laughed in surprise as Lucy offered her a teasing grin. “Who, my lady?” she asked, knowing exactly of whom Lucy was speaking.
    “Captain James.”
    “That does not shock me.”
    “He does not even hold back with Dominic. There are not many men who can beat him in a fight and even fewer who would be happy to show up their lord. Thankfully, Dominic does not take offense.”
    “Nay, Lord Dominic is indeed blessed with a happy temperament but you are right, not many lords would be pleased to be bested by their vassals.”
    “‘Tis fascinating to watch, is it not? These warriors doing what they do best.” Lucy’s lips quirked.
    “And you watch most closely, Ellise.”
    Her cheeks burned as she swung her gaze between Lucy and the fighting. “I... I admire the Captain's courage.”
    “There is much to be admired about James, I think. A more dutiful man, I have never met. The woman who captures his heart will be a lucky woman indeed. I have hopes that he will find someone soon.”
    “Aye. I suppose he will accept the offer of the lady from the south before long.” Even she heard the solemn tone to her voice. Did Lucy?
    “I know not. He has never shown any interest in marriage but has need of an heir. A man as dutiful as James will not be able to neglect such a duty for much longer.”
    The thought of another woman garnering his affections made her chest constrict. Which was foolish. Why should she begrudge him happiness? It was not as if she could give him all he wanted. A wealthy wife with a good family, that’s what a man like James looked for. And all she wanted was her son and freedom from fear. She could not stand looking over her shoulder for much longer, forever worrying what the Earl had planned. Fearing he would decide that taking her son, her wealth, and her home was not enough.
    James parried a swift swing from his opponent and knocked the lad’s feet out from under him. In the quickest of movements, he had the wooden blade at the throat of the soldier, who raised his hands in surrender. With a quick grin, James offered him a hand and helped him to his feet. The exertion and the heat made his skin shimmer. Ellise practically tasted the salty tang of his skin as she recalled his slick body beneath her fingers. As he patted the boy on the shoulder, he peered in her direction and his grin fell. His brow furrowed as he continued to stare, gaze locking onto hers. Her bodice grew tight and she tried to drag her gaze away but he held her captive. A man came up behind him and dragged his attention away. She blew out a breath as Lucy laughed next to her.
    “It seems you’re not the only one to watch closely, Ellise. I do believe you may prove a distraction if you continue to observe.”
    Ellise shook her head, struggling against the need to lower her head in embarrassment. “I do not believe anyone can distract the Captain from his duties.

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