Body Bags & Blarney
Four news crew that was attempting to execute a parallel park maneuver in front
of Carriage House Antiques. With quick action, she slammed on the brakes and
came within inches of striking their rear bumper.
    A large group
of people were gathered on the sidewalk facing the store and Vivienne feared
that Pastor Kilpatrick was behind another protest of Tristan and Nathaniel’s
business. She didn’t see any picket signs nor hear any shouts or chants. She
was surprised to see another two news vans parked on the street and a few
reporters and camera people testing their equipment. As she slowly drove past
the now parked news van, she saw a small podium set up outside the front door
of the antique store.
    Vivienne had
to drive two blocks down Main Street before finding a spot in front of
Hearthside Books. She locked up her car and hurried down to see what all the
commotion was about. There was no way anyone could know about the death of
Father William just yet.
    She arrived
just as the front door to the business opened and both Nathaniel and Tristan
took their place at the podium. The lights from the news cameras cast a harsh
glow as they stood before the assembled crowd with huge smiles. Unable to get a
front row view, she walked along the parked cars and was able to stand on the
curb to gain some height.
    Nathaniel and
Tristan were joined by a short woman with dark hair who was dressed in a very
flattering business suit. She adjusted the microphones and spoke with a very
polished tone that easily identified her as a company spokeswoman. “The New
York State Lottery Commission is pleased to introduce the newest millionaire
winners in the multi-state Spring Ahead Raffle game, Nathaniel Schroeder and
Tristan Carr.”
    There was a
round of applause from the crowd and several flashes as cameras took still
photos. The Lotto spokeswoman was handed an oversized novelty check which she
then held out for Nathaniel and Tristan to grab from each end. “They were the
holder of the ten lucky numbers drawn on Wednesday afternoon, joining nine
other top prize winners across seven states.”
    She posed with
them for another round of photographs and then stepped aside with the check as
they were given the podium for the reporters.
    “How does it
feel to be a millionaire?” A male reporter shouted.
    “This couldn’t
have come at a better time for us.” Nathaniel spoke softly.
    “After taxes,
we aren’t exactly millionaires, so you might better save that question for the
Mega Millions winners.” Tristan answered as several audience members chuckled.
    “Still, you’re
going to clear a very nice sum after taxes.” A female reporter chimed in. “Do
you have any big plans for the money yet?”
    “We are going
to take a nice vacation someplace warm, especially given the winter we’ve gone
through.” Nathaniel smiled.
Tristan agreed.
    “Who bought
the ticket?” Another reporter asked.
    “I picked it
up the other night at the Monarch Grocery.” Tristan replied. “Best ten dollars
I ever spent.”
    “Are you both
regular lottery players?”
    Tristan and
Nathaniel both looked at each other and shook their head. “It was just a lucky
break.” Tristan answered.
    “We are
planning on donating to the Cayuga Cove Animal Shelter, a charity very near and
dear to our hearts.” Nathaniel added. “We want to make sure they are well
stocked with food, toys, and medical needs for all the pets in need of
    There was
another burst of applause as they continued the press conference. Vivienne felt
a great sense of relief that the money they desperately needed had come. She
had always thought of the lottery as a fool’s quest, with the odds of winning
so remote. Yet, here in town she had proof that it could actually happen and it
couldn’t have happened to two nicer guys.
    “Vivienne.” A
familiar voice called out from the crowd.
searched left and right to see who was addressing her. She

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